The SCO Group is preparing a new Linux licensing program that it claims will allow users of the open-source operating system to run Linux without fear of litigation. The program will be announced “within the next month or so,” according to SCO spokesman Blake Stowell, but on Monday the company will announce what he calls a “precursor” to this program in a press conference with SCO Chief Executive Officer Darl McBride and SCO’s high-profile attorney David Boies, of the firm Boies, Schiller & Flexner.
all your linux base are belong to us!
Scox insiders laughing all the way to the bank. Scox up 15% Friday, and another 12% so far today (Monday – July 21). Scox up over 600% since lawsuit started. Insiders selling like mad.
Linux user *still* don’t get it. This is just a scam for the insiders to back out at insane valuation. Scox has never had a profitable year. In fact, Scox is a company with a book value of $10 million, and scox has lost as much as $125 million in a year. Scox has always lost at least $25 million a year. Scox was selling for way under a dollar in the last 52 weeks. Now this failing company is rich rich rich.
All because nobody can see what scox is *really* up to. There will be no attempt at licensing linux – don’t be silly.
Why do you think insiders gave themselves a boat-load of options at $0.001 each when scox was planning this lawsuit in January? It’s so obvious.
This isn’t a political board, so take it elsewhere. Besides, the President is a trained fighter pilot with a masters from Harvard. And here you are, internet message board jockey. LMAO.
Who only got into Harvard because of his fathers status in the “old boys club”. Had he competed for a place, based on his VERY average marks, all C’s, he would have NEVER got into Harvard. He would have been told to go down the road. Just look into his past as CEO of various energy companies in Texas that have gone bust or his position on an audit committee with inside ANOTHER Texas company, sells all his shares, then issues a filing claiming a sudden reduction in profit. The SEC investigates and he claims he knew nothing about the profit downgrade. YEAH RIGHT! what was he doing in the committee?
Another typical yank who thinks the sun shines out the back side of their so-called “fearless leader”.
Can we at least get the media to at least say:
“Linux user do not owe SCO anything”
Would that be so much? Theoretically, the media is supposed to inform the public. I know, in practice, the pop-media is a just a shill for their advertisers.
Still doesn’t the media have *some* obligation, *some* concern to alert the public to an absolute fraud?
As you probably already know, SCOX is claiming, that unless Linux users buy UnixWare SCO will sue the Linux users.
>>The company said it plans to offer UnixWare licenses tailored to support run-time, binary use of Linux for all commercial users of Linux based on the 2.4.x and later versions of the Linux kernel. SCO said any commercial Linux customers that purchase the license will be held harmless against past copyright violations and for any future use of Linux in a run-only, binary format<<
Of course, SCO can not enforce this. But, those who don’t know better may be fooled SCOX’s attempts at fraud and extortion.
You mod down almost anything I post, no matter how on topic it may be, but I see a huge communism sub-thread running through these comments.
Are you retarded, or just biased?
<America> some order
<Random> I’m not going to, go fuck yourself
Random changes nick to Enemy Du Jour
<America> Which is your biggest enemy ?
<Enemy Du Jour> Random2
<America> Here’s three billion in guns
<Random2> thx
People kill people.
and to remain “on topic” ;-p
perhaps we could try this on SCO. I’m sure it is legal in America