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Time Running Out for Windows NT

For those still using Windows NT 4.0, the time is near for Microsoft to bury the hatchet. Late June marks the end for telephone support for the 7 year old operating system. Microsoft has kept NT on tap by releasing several patches and fixes, but after Microsoft drops support for NT, customer’s only option is to help themselves using the online KnowledgeBase.


  1. 2003-06-26 8:34 pm
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  12. 2003-06-27 12:08 am
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  14. 2003-06-27 12:58 am
  15. 2003-06-27 1:40 am
  16. 2003-06-27 2:09 am
  17. 2003-06-27 3:01 am
  18. 2003-06-27 5:12 am
  19. 2003-06-27 5:23 am
  20. 2003-06-27 6:37 am
  21. 2003-06-27 7:17 am
  22. 2003-06-27 9:21 am
  23. 2003-06-27 2:47 pm
  24. 2003-06-27 7:11 pm
  25. 2003-06-27 9:56 pm
  26. 2003-06-28 2:28 am