BeOSJournal is previewing YellowTAB’s Zeta beta 5a. Read the interesting review and check their screenshots. Additionally, the web site features an interview with Mike Popovic, ex-Be employee, mostly known for his comical BeOS-related site, BeDope. Additionally, YellowTAB published information on a new set of Zeta-only applications they are developing, ZumlE. UPDATE: Learn about BeTunes!
Don’t ask Looncraz about PhOS. He was asked to stop distributing it when he started work for YellowTAB and for good reason–direct competition. There is at least one FTP site that has it, and look on BeShare.
… not to mention that PHOS was a totally illegal thing, warez like.
You’d think the yellow tabs would still work. Otherwise, I am jazzed about this.
Can I be your sandwich boy?
Even in German, yellow doesn’t mean sliding
I agree that soundplay’s play list editor is very lacking.
I myself started thinking about how it could be better a year ago, but never got round to coding anything.
I’m not sure if Zeta plan to provide soundplay. But I would prefer a better playlist editor for soundplay, than a whole new player.
At the price and volume of Zeta surely some form of discount pricing could be organised to include soundplay in Zeta.
I had a similar idea a month or two ago. An iTunes workalike would be relatively simple to build in BeOS. Most of the “cool” things iTunes does can already be done via the Tracker using attributes and queries. All that remains is for someone to tie it together in a simple, specific, integrated interface. We’re basically talking a native GUI interface to BeInYourStereo.
With that in mind, I set out to design a mockup of it in Photoshop. Unfortunately, I am not a programmer, so that’s as far as it got.
It’s not entirely finished (obviously), but I think the concept is sound. If anyone at YT would like to borrow ideas from it, they’re more than welcome to – especially since I “borrowed” all the icons and other UI elements there from existing apps.
One possibility would be to modify the CD Burner app (assuming YT has the source for it) to give it MP3 cataloguing/playlist management features. As an added bonus, CD Burner’s Gain feature would be really nice to have in an MP3 player
“Home of Dano and BONE ”
as i run this site i thought i should point out that i do not distribute BONE or Dan0 or BeIA. There is no download of this available at and nor will there be.
There are just URLs to where there are copies of it on the internet. Some of those URLs are invalid as i haven’t updated the page for about 4months or so.
As far as Zeta goes…..why are you guys commenting on legal issues which you have no evidence? It’s all hearsay and rumours.
Next you’ll be burning Bernd at the stake for being a witch. (he’s a Wizard
The reviews of this are based on a beta copy for fscks sake.
How many of you have ever actually used a beta of anything? There are always bugs, “not quite ready’s” and “almost completed” things in betas.
Remember the early JavaScript betas (then called LiveScript) and it’s “Function not yet implemented”???
That’s what beta stuff is like.
Wait until it is released, read the review, check out a PC show where Zeta is showing and then make up your mind.
What I would really really like to see in Zeta would be a VNC iserver. I know there’s a viewer already, but if someone would improve the existing alpha/beta servers on Bebits to a reasonable extent (i.e. passwords) I’d be really happy.
Think about it….you could show BeOS off to all your friends….
I did one of them btw (BeVNC is my port of WinVNC), but until someone can clone me 10 times I won’t be able to do everything
Howdy *…
This is a Zeta decor nearing its final stage.
It is based on the following:
My current decor base does not have room for the extra long left tab widget, so it will remain shortened until then. I also know I need to work on the outline, and maybe some more smoothing.
–The loon
Loon, can you use a little bit brighter color than gray? I’m tired of the ‘BeOS gray’ and I believe the theme would rock a more brighter color!(although I beleive BeShare’s have its own color prefs a hardcoded and won’t change with system colors, but I mean for other apps.) I really *love* the OBOS GUI mockups and it’s great that I’ll be using something quite similar in Zeta.
Actually, my system colors are already set lighter… BeShare not
Grey: 225,225,225 (230,230,230 good)
Yellow: 255, 205, 0 (menu) 255, 226, 0 (decor average)
When the full decor manager is setup and ready to go (in other words, full theming, the colors, fonts, icons, and possibly GUI widgets will change. Feature not expected complete until post R1).
–The loon