Here are 4 new server tutorial/references for Linux: Tripwire,
IPTables, NFS and NFS Linux installs. Two of these are Linux Productivity Magazine issues, and two are Troubleshooters.Com documents. Taken together, these documents provide a tutorial for the new Linux administrator, and a basic reference for the more experienced.
The article about installing RedHat from NFS using ISO’s is one way to do it, but why use it when RedHat has kickstart? Hell, with RedHat 9 they have a graphical tool to create the kickstart file (kickstart configurator)! If I was going to install a number of machines and teach people how to install RedHat at the same time this is the way I would show them:
1. Use kickstart and create a standardized configuration for clients and servers.
2. Install RedHat on clients and servers (unattended).
3. Document procedures for future reference.
Why work hard when you can work smart!