PC World reports that IBM has reached a settlement with the city of San Francisco for $120,000 in damages to pay for the cleanup of its Linux graffiti campaign in the city. Our Take: Maybe these “Peace, Love and Linux” ads are a bit weird, but I just love this huge “IBM DB2 Outperforms Oracle” ad just right in front of Oracle’s office buildings, viewable from the highway, near my house. This sort of marketing competition between IBM and Oracle is at least… funny.
> Although San Francisco won its battle against IBM, Newsome fears the
> city may have lost the war.
I do not think the city of San Francisco was fighting against IBM, but more
against graffitis.
In this case, the city did win the war.
Stupid move on IBM’s part in the first place . . . Graf is hated in SF . . . But only geeks live in SF anyways.
Having seen the ads myself on many corners around the Metreon in SF, I think IBM’s ad agency should be paying for the clean up. IBM might have allowed them to do it, but I doubt that the stiffs @ IBM really wanted anything to do with it.
Willie Brown is real anal about graf. Sega wanted to do a promotion for that dreamcast game, “Jetset Radio” or something like that, via graf and Willie brown said no. The graf would have been in an specified area and not just all over the city but apparently good ‘ol Willie was afraid that it would promote graf. Willie Brown also said that you shouldn’t live in San Francisco unless you make over 60k a year, I hope San Francisco gets a decent mayor soon, cuz I’m getting really tired of having a starbucks on every corner (thanks to his selling out the city).:P
What’s wrong with a little love, peace, and Linux anyway?
Just my $.02.