Apple today announced that it has rescheduled its 2003 Worldwide Developers Conference in order to provide developers with a more complete preview release of the next version of Mac OS X, code named “Panther.” Originally scheduled for May 19-23 in San Jose, the conference will now be held June 23-27 at San Francisco’s Moscone Center. “Moving to June ensures that every developer will leave the event with a copy of Panther in their hands” said Ron Okamoto, Apple’s vice president of Worldwide Developer Relations. As for the July Macworld Expo in New York City it is rumored to be no Jobs keynote, expo name change and fewer exhibitors.
I find it hard to beleive that that is the ONLY reason to postpone it… 970?
It IS obvious however that he has found a way to replace MWNY at this point. WWDC should be more interesting from now on.
Rumour has it that Panther will introduce 64 bits support.
I don’t think they will be mentionning anything about 970, but, at least if the 64 bits thing is confirmed there are good reasons to be hopeful.
One sure I am certain about is the price…high
I just hope that the update to “Panther” isn’t as expensive as the “Jaguar” one. As a poor student, I don’t think I can afford another 129?
Apple never says anything about that sort of thing in advance. We’ll have to rely on Nick at ThinkSecret
You know, no matter what anyone thinks of Apple, of Macs, of OS X, od Apple prices, etc., to have desktop 64 bit computing – that is an exciting prospect. I realize any who come here work or have worked with 64 bit systems, but what a gret thing this would be for most of us.
I guess it will find its way to me somehow… as does most software that I must support in one way or another.
How about the next release of OS X be called, “Big Pissed Cat!”
You know, for those of us who don’t use Macs, this is going to hurt.
a lot of techies go along buying one part at a time… faster processor, ATA133 HDD, CD/DVD-Writer.. better Gfx card
and it all interacts.. you can put a better motherboard under your old Duron and then a month later pop in an Athlon XP.
Try to jump to 64 bit… how much are we going to have to replace?
Probably RAM
Maybe all PCI cards
Hard drive ( if new mobo is SATA )
New copy of Windows if that’s your fancy, and you can bet there will be no cheap upgrade from WinME/XP to X86-64 Windows
New software to take advantage
All in all, ouch.
This is one upgrade that will be easier for the laptop and Mac users… they get a complete system for their cash.
“I just hope that the update to “Panther” isn’t as expensive as the “Jaguar” one. As a poor student, I don’t think I can afford another 129?
If you are a student it is only $69 (which still sucks, but hey its better then 129)
If Apple is not announcing the Power PC 970, then what are they using to develop a 64-bit Mac OS X?
the 10.4 release…featuring Lion-O, Jackalman, Cheetara, Wilykit, Tygra, Wilykat, Monkian, Panthro, and Snarf.
first off, a bigger WWDC is not intended as a replacement for MWNYC–two very different purposes. And WWDC should not be “scuplted” into an entertaining, announcement-filled trade show with keynote speeches.
That’s not to say that WWDC doesn’t have it’s own big announcements and keynotes, but attendees of WWDC conferences are under NDA.
Even then, more “top secret” info/projects are revealed to select groups at the DevCon.
I wouldn’t say that Panther isn’t a good enough reason to postpone it–but yes, the 970 will be discussed as well–probably kept under wraps more tightly though than the discussion of 10.3 features (even if that includes 64bit-ness).
And, yes, big things are happening–NAB is going to be huge for FCP and QT, and I expect a few surprises there too. WWDC is going to include lots of tech that all tie into each other, but not all of it is ready and/or Apple isn’t ready for the cat to be out of the bag. Java, QT, X11, 64-bitness, the 970, further optimizations, a slew of UI advances, maybe even some iWorks info… Big, big stuff.
If you are a student you can buy OS X 10.2 for $69 USD. I am sure 10.3x+ will be the same. Also if you are a teacher atm you can get 10.2 for *free*
— “first off, a bigger WWDC is not intended as a replacement for MWNYC–two very different purposes. And WWDC should not be “scuplted” into an entertaining, announcement-filled trade show with keynote speeches.”
Just to clarify, I only meant that in reference to product announcments, as in its the perfect replacment for the announcement environment that MWNY had provided. I never thought it would be another MacWorld!
Every one that whines about having to pay for the OS upgrade should just shut-up. Quit! OMG, hello, lets look at the price to upgrade Windows. Or even if you buy a boxed set of Redhat Pro.. Come one every one.. Stop bying such cry babies..
>>>”Try to jump to 64 bit… how much are we going to have to replace?
Probably RAM
Maybe all PCI cards
Hard drive ( if new mobo is SATA )
New copy of Windows if that’s your fancy, and you can bet there will be no cheap upgrade from WinME/XP to X86-64 Windows
Microsoft doesn’t even have a 64-bit desktop version of Windows.
Then remember that Windows will be delt a major spliter (OUCH) if Microsoft supports both Intel’s 2 differnt 64 bit chips… AND not to mention AMD’s chips.
We are indeed in a bad position my friends…
Since we’re going to have to buy whole new 64-bit systems and 64-bit aware apps, I’m taking a serious look at OS X and or Linux PPC.
This broadcast summarizes the situation we’re in better than any other:$182
“Just to clarify, I only meant that in reference to product announcments, as in its the perfect replacment for the announcement environment that MWNY had provided. I never thought it would be another MacWorld!”
It’s not a good place for product announcements at all. There have been some, but it’s not a press event, it’s a developer event.
Announcing/showing the 970 or 10.3 to Developers is not equal to the Announcements by Steve that get the crowd in a frenzy… And as I posted above, 10.3 will slip out if everyone’s getting it, but those who are shown the 970 will probably be under NDA–if it’s NDA’d, it ain’t no kinda announcement!
The interesting thing is that there are 140+ descriptions available (and even then they are vague, though it’s obvious that a few are pretty juicy) but there will be 170+ sessions–usually there are some sessions that are TBA (because they’re “on the fly” presents or because it’s an APple secrecy thing) but 30 of them sounds very high to me. Sounds like there are a LOT of BIG secrets to be revealed at this year’s WWDC.
Steve seems to want to get way from the MacWorld frenzies and use other venues for announcements.
Microsoft DOES HAVE a 64-Bit version of Windows XP. For x86-64 arch.
and i can buy this 64bit windows in store today. no i cant so how does it matter if they have it or not when you cant get it. of course i cant get osX 64bit today .
Jay, You state that 64 bit desktop computing is an exciting concept, Do you have any idea what 64 bit is? Besides just knowing that its one up from 32 bit. No consumer has a need for a 64 bit desktop unless you are in a major digital multimedia postion, by this I mean major film and studio design, not a father making digital movies of his first born child. If Apple goes 64 bit it will be a mistake, no one has been able to successfully push or sell a 64 bit Desktop computer, SGI and SUN both failed at it and have had to scale their systems back to 32 bit and leave 64 bit for their servers. The same will happen with Apple, you will see that it will be too expensive to maintain and the cost of an Apple will go up 3 times what it is now. And you will notice the amount of ISVs for Apple will go down because they wont be able to keep up the quality of their product through 32 bit emulation and they will not go through the expense of making it 64 bit because the majority of the computing public will still be on 32 bit systems, Apple is not stupid, they know this. Dont get your hopes up too high.
Of course you can’t buy it today, you can’t even buy any x86-64 machine, so what’s the point of having Microsoft selling an operating system for a product you can’t buy yet? But it will be made available, when the time comes.
I never said they didn’t.
I said they dont have a “desktop” 64 bit version of Windows
“Jay, You state that 64 bit desktop computing is an exciting concept, Do you have any idea what 64 bit is?”
Most of us do.
“No consumer has a need for a 64 bit desktop unless you are in a major digital multimedia postion, by this I mean major film and studio design, not a father making digital movies of his first born child.”
You’re wrong. 64-bit processing would DEFINATELY benefit both of these markets.
“If Apple goes 64 bit it will be a mistake, no one has been able to successfully push or sell a 64 bit Desktop computer, SGI and SUN both failed at it and have had to scale their systems back to 32 bit and leave 64 bit for their servers.”
I suppose you’ll eat your words when Apple sells these things like gangbusters… No, you probably wont.
Surveys have repeatedly shown that the Mac market is clammoring for this like nothing else. The G5 (PPC 970) is what many expected the G4 to be… so many people have been waiting for 4 or 5 years for this. Apple’s 64 bit direction is going to be HUGE. Nobody elase had success pushing 64 bit desktops because NOBODY HAS CREATED A 64 BIT DESKTOP COMPUTER. Apple will be the first.
“The same will happen with Apple”
I guarantee you that this will not be the case.
“You will see that it will be too expensive to maintain”
Where did you pull that one out of your ass? Why would it cost more? Thats just rediculious. You’re just spreading FUD.
“and the cost of an Apple will go up 3 times what it is now.”
There’s no reason to believe this either. Apple will probably put the 970 into all its consumer level machines and the 980 into all its professional ones. Then put a power 4/5 into their ultra-high-end. THOSE machines will probably be priced higher than you’re familiar with paying for a machine. Apple’s consumer and high-end machines will probably maintain their current price points. A lot of flame starters have brought up the price issue. Remember, the 970 and 980 chips wont be priced anywhere near what the Power4 and Power 5 chips are. IBM has stated this several times. Specifically at the most recent microprocessor forum.
“And you will notice the amount of ISVs for Apple will go down because they wont be able to keep up the quality of their product through 32 bit emulation and they will not go through the expense of making it 64 bit because the majority of the computing public will still be on 32 bit systems,
Again, you’re pulling this crap out of your ass. The PPC 970 is not like Intels chips in that there will be a performace hit for emulating 32 bit code. As a matter of fact, the 32-bit code will run significantly faster than what the current crop of PPC are producing. If anything, Apple’s ISV’s will likely INCREASE because of the dramatic jump in marketshare that seems likely to occur.
“Apple is not stupid, they know this.”
Everybody knows Apple’s not stupid.
“Dont get your hopes up too high.”
Everybody, keep your hopes set right where they are. Apple is likely to surpass them.
Apple can benefit from having a 64 bit OS but do they need it right now? Possibly in their server line but I think Apple still has a way to go with optimizing MacOSX and Server.
I am willing to pay $129 as long as I can derive/perceive benefits to Panther. I have not been dissapointed in 10.1 which was free and 10.2 which was not. As long as their are benefits and speed to having 10.3 I will be buying it.
“Apple can benefit from having a 64 bit OS but do they need it right now?”
Absolutely. We need anything and everything to get us back the performace lead we lost about a year ago.
“I think Apple still has a way to go with optimizing MacOSX and Server.”
I disagree wholeheartedly. While OS X can indeed be improved, its gotten far past its days of imaturity. Its pretty optomized already if you ask me.
The major advantage of a 64 bit computer is (native) memory mapping beyond 2 Gigabytes, the limit of 32 bit machines. We are going to hit this barrier soon. Do you all want to buy a new computer with memory you can’t upgrade because it’s shipped maxxed out.
Have you people ever heard of backward compatibility? The 970 will be able to run 32 bit PPC instructions just like the Athlon 64/Opteron can run 32 bit x86.
Zerbert, there is no way a Power CPU is going into a Mac. They are too expensive, suck too much power, and IBM probably wouldn’t go for it anyway.
Hopefully the 970 will have impressive performance all around right when it comes out. None of the crap like Intel pulled with the Pentium 4 when it came out all unoptimized with both hardware and software.
The limit of a 32-Bit machine is not 2GB, but 4GB (2^32). Anyway, there are still some ways of having more than 4GB of memmory in a 32-Bit machine, like the ones the Intel processors use: Paging memmory to extra memmory, ie, they can have more than 4GB in a computer, but only 4GB are directly accessible at each instant, which the OS can remap.
I’m a teacher here in Japan… I paid 8500 yen for the “Academic Edition” of 10.2… You mean to tell me I could have gotten it free? How exactly does one go about getting a copy free?
~ What color is your hat? ~