What it’s like to watch an IBM AI successfully debate humans

At a small event in San Francisco last night, IBM hosted two debate club-style discussions between two humans and an AI called “Project Debater”. The goal was for the AI to engage in a series of reasoned arguments according to some pretty standard rules of debate: no awareness of the debate topic ahead of time, no pre-canned responses. Each side gave a four-minute introductory speech, a four-minute rebuttal to the other’s arguments, and a two-minute closing statement.

Project Debater held its own.

I’d pay so much money to see prominent political leaders debate this machine.


  1. 2018-06-20 7:20 pm
    • 2018-06-20 7:46 pm
      • 2018-06-21 1:21 am
        • 2018-06-21 2:48 am