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MaXX Interactive Desktop brings IRIX desktop to Linux

The MaXX Interactive Desktop a.k.a. The MaXX Desktop is the continuation of the implementation released many years back. So don’t be mistaken, there is only one implementation of the SGI Desktop on Linux.

Our goal is to bring to the masses this great user experience which focus on performance, stability and productivity. The MaXX Desktop is available in two versions, the free Community Edition (CE) which provides basic SGI Desktop experience and the commercially available Professional Edition (PE) that comes with support, CPU and GPU specific optimizations and a full SGI Desktop experience. The MaXX Desktop PE is excellent for SGI customers using both IRIX and Linux platforms or for power users using pro applications.

The first release was released a few days ago. And yes, I used the SGI database category for this news item. Try and stop me.


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