“Today is a great day for PC users, both personal and business alike, and a great day for the PC industry with the launch of Yoper – Your Operating System,” reads the bombastic release announcement for Yoper V1. Yoper (Your Perfect Operating System) is a lean and fast Linux distribution with an endearing superiority complex. This is the debut release of Ydesktop, which is aimed at workstation/desktop or terminal server use. See more at Yoper.com.
…just another distro? Ooh, except that it is lean and fast, whatever that means. It occurs to me that if lean and fast is what you want your better off with a source based distro like Gentoo or Linux-from-scratch.
This is quite possibily the most nasty looking kde-based distro i’ve seen (visually).
The above screenshot is a really good example of what i’m talking about.
Seems to me like Yoper could really use a ui/graphics guy on their team
Why are all of the fonts so huge?
Yoper.com….High on bullshit, low on content. Yummm.
“Why are all of the fonts so huge?”
I just installed kde 3.1 from source and the icons/fonts were huge like that too especially for my 1280×1024 screen resolution! I thought it was just something that I had done. I imagine it is something that can be configured to you liking though, I don’t use kde so I didn’t experiment with it too much
From the screen shot I would say that, that is one of the ancient standard KDE themes.
Not sure why they included that screen shot though.
I noticed one of the Mandrake (.1 betas had the same size fonts. I think it may also be a KDE 3.1 default. I remember that even though the fonts were very large they did not seem that bad when actually using them though.
Definetly the ugliest desktop distro ever. My Gentoo-based Gnome 2.2 desktop looks much better
Hog my bandwidth, I dare you
The wallpaper is from deskmod.org btw. And the server has 256kbit upstream.
it would have been nice if they’d put a package list up so we could see whats on it before downloading.
I had no idea that OSNews gets so much traffic. My server is getting about 1 hit per 2 seconds.
As for Yoper, they should at least pick something up from the new WinXP/Longhorn look – even all those blue tubes look better than what they offer on their screenshots.
Anyone here tried Yoper? How’s the default look? Usability? Ease of use?
It is because of NVIDIA XFree drivers. I changed my bro’s computer to a Radeon from a TNT2 and the fonts got extremely small. Changing KDE fonts is always the first thing I do after installing Linux or adding users is to decrease the fonts.
As far a Yoper usability… there are NO GUI config tools that I could see, except KControl… didn’t dig too far, like from the CLI tho… and that was in RC1
Yoper doesn’t include a working dependency-resolving package manager. Apt is included, but doesn’t seem to work; rpm is installed, but the db has no clue what packages you have installed, so you have to use –nodeps, and after the new program crashes because of dependencies, you have to look at the output from the console to see what you are missing, then to rpmfind.net, and on, and on. They’ve hinted that they are working on a packaging service for a fee, maybe similar to Lindows’ Click N Run.
I used Yoper for a while, and finally wrote some scripts to make Arch Linux’s apt-like system “pacman” work. Then I could use Arch’s i686 optimized packages and have dependencies automatically resolved. It worked pretty well, but of course using binaries for another distro doesn’t always work as flawlessly as one might hope.
Really, I don’t get this – on distrowatch it is something like number one in click-through ranking of interest. They advertise a lot, and seems like there is a “word-of-mouth” marketing going on by plants on forums to push this thing.
Frankly, there are other distros optimised for higher-end boxen than YOPER, and better ones too. Yoper seems to have contributed very little of their own, and are quite incomplete and unpolished. Mostly it seems a big hype. What’s up? Anyone else notice this?
Maybe they are cheating on Distro Watch ? Could anyone please explain to us what is really better than the other distros ? Seems to me like the only better thing is reckless marketing hype from here…
So yes, stopdabombing, I would tend to agree with you. And the screenshots definitely don’t look as polished as RedHat 8 or Mandrake 9.1
RE: it would have been nice if they’d put a package list up so we could see whats on it before downloading.>>
yes, i almost started to download the ISO, until i seen the screenshot of KDE, i refuse to run either KDE or Gnome, and prefer a much lighter desktop wm like blackbox or ICEwm…
and leaving out KDE & gnome would lighten the ISO by several megs…
Yoper guys managed to include the disadvantages of the two most popular kinds of init scripts SystemV (RedHat, Debian), and Slackware.
They are hard to edit by hand just like Redhats, and have no graphical configuration tools just like Slackware.
They could have at least include such basic commands like service or chkconfig.
RedHat Debian Slackware Mandrake SuSE, or anything that is derrived from them but doesn’t destroy their original usability. That’s what I can reccomend to anybody. Mature Distros that’s what users need
Well. What should I say. Freedom of Speech. The packagelist is on the download page of yoper. The screenshots fonts are probably not the best and we are replacing them right now. The OS is designed for businesses and we sure have not cheated the distrowatch ranking. It is a true reflection of how good and fast Yoper is. You can of course get the same by choosing to compile your own linux, but then who really has time to spend days compiling and setting every bit of hardware up manually. Yoper is as good as Compiled from scratch and uses kudzu and the knoppix hardware detection. This is what makes it very verstile and fast to set up. You can either compile from scratch or just install Yoper in less than 20 minutes. How is that? Have you actually tried to compile Openoffice? Have you actually tried to run the fastest and most advanced Linux OS. If you have, then you must be using Yoper.
Don’t be a nit. The “Wood” screenshot is just there to demonstrate the theming capability. If you don’t remember, Win95 had a wood theme too. Some people actually like the look.
“Yoper is as good as Compiled from scratch”
“just install Yoper in less than 20 minutes”
On what? A RAID harddrive with a dual Xeons and a 300x CDROM drive? I highly doubt it’d be all installed in 20 minutes on a more average system.
“Have you actually tried to compile Openoffice?”
Yes. Gentoo. And it compiled flawlessly.
“Have you actually tried to run the fastest and most advanced Linux OS.”
If you think that’s ‘Yoper’, then no. I would say Gentoo fits that qualification but everyone is entitled to their own opinion when it comes to distros.
Just try not to throw out exaggerated claims next time.
normally, i would consider a screenshot of a screensaver, of all things, pointless to showcase an os. in yoper’s case, however, it demonstrates their altered state of mind …
butt-ugly screenshots showing nothing of yoper – no config tools, no installation.
The only package list I see on the download page is for RC4.
I clicked on their “Bugs” page (link above) and got a blank page with just “Fatal error: Call to undefined function: d_startpage() in /mnt/www/anthill/index.php on line 7” on it.
I guess that qualifies as a bug.
I liked Yoper’s idea when I tried it around RC2, easy hardware setup, and then anything it couldn’t pick up, i easily set up with help from their message boards, which don’t seem to exist anymore. That’s about all I found good with it, myself.
Only KDE may very well be fine for some people, but not for myself. I enjoy a few window managers to play around in.
Gentoo’s my new favorite now. Portage rocks. I can stand the compile times, some people can’t. That’s okay. Linux is all about choice.
Oh yeah, bottom line for me personally: I don’t want to pay $98 for a distro. I’m a cheapskate.
That is because they are using a version of phpbb for tracking the bug stuff. It is rather buggy IMHO (after helping a friend use it to administer an online class). I find this a bit ironic, seeing as how they say on their “Training” page:
“Please feel free to contact us if you are interested to get trained by the best.”
Doesn’t look like they are the best when it comes to a simple interactive message board…
Yoper claims to support rpm, dpkg and tgz but in reality I had a hard time to get ANY rpm to work properly. Dpkg and apt-get support is broken and have been so since RC1. The best way to get a program running is to compile it from source (Yoper only give support if the program is compiled from source), seems to me your better off installing Gentoo. And how are they going justify the price? 98$ seems a little too much when it’s simply a broken version of Slackware 9.0rc1.
RE: The best way to get a program running is to compile it from source>>
exactly, i have had great luck with Slackware by installing just a kernel & base system with X, and compiling the desktop WM & apps with the gcc compiler that comes with slackware…
Wow, that’s expensive! Mine cost only $5.
LinuxInstall.org Project (<a href=”http://linuxinstall.org“>http://linuxinstall.org)
Considering the increasing frequency of people attempting to insert URLs in posts with HTML anchor tags, wouldn’t it make sense to just support those? Obviously people aren’t reading the text at the bottom of the comment entry field…
I think /.’s method (placing hostname of destination address next to the link) is perfectly acceptable
I thin kthe high rating has to do with the non-ad-looking ad for yoper where it only says “The Perfect OS” with a link underneath that says “Your Operating system”.
I know it got me the first time I saw it and I swore never to give yoper support since it looks like a poor imitation me-too Lindows attempt.
I wish Yoper the best of luck, as with any distro, but….
If is has poor RPM and apt support, how does it handle dependencies? What about updates and patches? How many packages does it have compared to the major distros?
Have you actually tried to run the fastest and most advanced Linux OS. If you have, then you must be using Yoper.
Well, I’m not sure what to say about this comment. If you think that Yoper is more advanced than a distro compiled from source distro like Slack or Gentoo, then you have a poor understanding of GNU/Linux.
$98!!!!!!!! Yeah right.
I had installed and played around the RC4 version. There is really nothing outstanding about this distro. Sure, it has a nice font rendering, but so does Red Hat, Slackware with Dropline-GNOME, and pretty much other distro are heading in that direction as well.
Oops! I was wrong. The price of $98 is really outstanding for what it offers. (Didn’t they start out around $55 not too long ago for the pre-order?)
I bought SuSE last year. I may buy Slackware, Mandrake or next version of Xandros with no CodeWeaver. I have to wait and see.
Like everybody else here, I don’t get the fascination with Yoper. It’s such a pile of crap it’s unbelievable. As mentioned by numerous other people, I couldn’t install anything. Apt doesn’t work, neither does rpm. It also uses a nasty login screen (at least when I tried it a few RC’s ago). If you want fast, get Gentoo, or even something like Root.
Look people, judging Yoper on the basis of Gentoo, or even RedHat or Mandrake for that matter, is really missing the point. Yoper is not intended as a hobbyist system, or for alll you uber geeks, but as a replacement desktop for a generic business office. The basis for saying Yoper is good or bad is on how well it meets the needs of a business. Functioning software, consistency, quick setup on typical commodity x86 systems, supportability, are valid goals there. A easy to install and run business desktop with enough MSOffice compatability to send simple documents around is a viable and valuable distro. A receptionist does not need a RAID or OpenGL graphics to answer phones, distribute faxes, route emails, and keep an in/out board.
If 14 real estate drones in a brokers office can get their jobs done, without paying the Microsoft software tax or Apple hardware and software premium, then Yoper has made some success. If, on the other hand, you expect the secretaries in my office to deal with compiling their kernel, or even caring about what a kernel is, then you are not in the same universe as they are. Heck, the last thing I want to do is pay them while they compile OpenOffice – better they do the jobs they are hired for, and let the lone IT Ranger keep the printers, server, and network functioning. That’s _his_ job.
you can all of the office stuff with redhat, mandrake or even gentoo… and they are better distos. You can also do office stuff with windows 3.1 what’s your point?
I played with Yoper for a bit. I liked the fact it was all cutting-edge versions of KDE, XFree etc. But that advantage is already fading – what was cutting edge in January will be commonplace in July. Take that away, and what’s left is not that special. OK, if they got simultaneous support for debs, rmps and tgz working perfectly that would be some kind of achievement. But for now that’s nothing but idle boast, as others noted before me.
But my main problem is their price. Xandros costs a dollar more, but it includes crossover plugins, and their own file manager. Mandrake or SuSE cost less, despite huge development effort that backs those distros: Yast, Drake, etc. What has Yoper done? They threw together a collection of programs, and made sure they hang together, more or less. Fair enough, but as far as I’m concerned, that’s not any special achievement – it’s just a necessary condition of making a distribution.
Finally, for their purpose. If you want to convert offices to Linux, there are cheaper ways to achieve the same results. Take another newcomer, College Linux – it will do exactly the same thing for free, or for $6, if you want to order the CD. It’s probably more stable, since it’s based on tried and true Slackware 8.1. And office workers are unlikely to care their XFree is one release behind the cutting edge
That price does seem rather high especially seeing yoper is an NZ dist and the NZ$ currently buys US$0.55. If thats supposed to be NZ$98 it would make abit more sence (US$55). I guess they could have forgotten to change the currency they’re using. If so it’s rather stupid of them. As I can buy
9.0 Mandrake Linux
ProSuite CDs SET (8CDs set+DVD)
for only 67.5 USD which is alot cheaper (and better)!
or the Mandrake linux Standard ed for 15 USD.
Both of which contian more software and some nice custom setup tools.
How many distros do you actually need?
Same shit, different name.
Hey, good to see you! How’s it going?
Considering the increasing frequency of people attempting to insert URLs in posts with HTML anchor tags, wouldn’t it make sense to just support those? Obviously people aren’t reading the text at the bottom of the comment entry field…
Well yeah, either that or bump the text above the comment input box
Isn’t it amazing how Distrowatch.com has had Yopper the #1 looked at page everyday since Yopper started backing the site??
I don’t believe that everyone want’s to look at a Beta or $100 distro more than proven Disto’s that are free like:
SuSE, RH, MDK, Debian, Slackware, Gentoo & BLAH BLAH BLAH…….
(Yes, SuSE is free if you do an ftp install) I’m not happy with them for that, but to each there own.
Come on Ladislav Bodnar or who ever runs the site, whats going on?
BTW, I ran Yopper’s last beta and I wasn’t impressed, it didn’t work well on a Toshiba Tecra 8100, and I have been able to get all of the Distro’s listed above to run GREAT on it, plus a few others.
Yoper’s ranking on DistroWatch has risen a few eyebrows. Yes, I have accepted cash from placing a Yoper button on the site and also for their banner ads – this was all in line with the advertising practice as stated on the relevant page. There was no foul play – we have never even discussed the page hit ranking stats and they were never part of the advertising deal.
Initially, the Yoper button linked to the Yoper page on DistroWatch and curiosity was probably the main factor driving people to click on the big red button. This was later changed and the advertisements now link directly to the Yoper home page. Yet, the page hit count remains high. You can click on the counter to have more detailed info displayed to see that a weekly page hit exceeds that of Mandrake or Red Hat pages. By the way, the counter is a third-party product (by SiteMeter.com), so there is no foul play on that site either.
I myself became suspicious and started monitoring the IP addresses of people viewing the Yoper page. Yet, I did not found anything unusual – the hits came from all corners of the world and there were no repeated hits from the same IP address (the counter wouldn’t count those anyway).
So all seems fair and square. The advertisement did produce the desired effect – it aroused curiosity and interest among visitors. Give Yoper the credit for recognising the opportunity, because not many others have been able to spot it.
One last note: please don’t take the page hit ranking too seriously. It’s a fun a way of looking at popularity of distributions, including the current movers and shakers, but that’s all. It only shows how many times a page was visited and this does not correlate well to usage, quality or any other criteria — which is something I surely don’t need to stress to most of you who frequent OSNews.
The Big RED button advertising is the only thing I could think of my self.
Thanks for clearing the page hits up.
I would think this would be an anymous user if it weren’t for the very good detialed explanation.
Again, thanks and my apologizes.
Yoper still STINKS in my opinion.
I began using Yoper at RC2. The promise of a fast, bloat-free, and good-looking Linux distro was enticing, even with a $100.00 price tag attached. There ideas were good, their implementation was nice, and their support was great.
And RC2 was nice! I was able to get both displays working (I run a PCI and AGP card to get a dual-headed display), the system was very stable, and it looked great (No… Not the default colors/look that you’re all bitching about, which is largely a KDE 3.1 issue). I thought Yoper was off to a great start.
RC3 comes out, and was an improvement in all areas except for the display. For whatever reason (Xfree or Yoper’s implementation of it), I could only get both displays working after I went into my bios and told my PC to boot off the PCI card, not the AGP. This was a pain, as my other OS’s on this box expected to see the AGP card upon boot, but Yoper was worth it I felt.
But then RC4 comes out, which was the final RC candidate. And while it apparently took care of my dual display issues, the stability was terrible. Random crashes constantly, and while I thought it was tied to my previous display issues, and quite possibly to my dual display, I soon came across threads on other sites complaining about KDE 3.1 crashes under Yoper RC4.
About this time Yoper also removed all previous posts, fixes, and workaround from their support area, replacing it with a message about their mail lists (which suck!). So much for referring to previous posts and workarounds… Their final RC left everyone in the dark. Largely due to the bugs that came with it I’d guess. Their policy seemed to go from “Let us help you” to “If we won’t let them talk about it then the problems won’t exist”
Since this was the “final” RC, I had to reconsider my choices. I mean… I can deal with some bugs in Release Candidates, and I don’t mind helping to debug something that’s worth it, but when your RC’s get worse and worse, with the last RC being worst of all, what does this say about what I can expect to get for my $100.00???
But that’s not the whole picture:
As mentioned, as of RC2, Yoper had a great user forum on their website (Well… the content and users were great, but the forum itself sucked and didn’t display its messages properly). Myself and many others posted bug fixes and workarounds, as well as entire tutorials (I can only claim credit for the 7 button mouse How-To, but there were many others who helped immensely).
And Yopers responses were amazingly quick and accurate. This is largely the type of behavior that helped them gain #1 on distrowatch: Good OS, and great support equal a standout product.
But then things began to change about the time RC4 came out. I don’t know if there was a shift in their focus, or what, but Yoper quickly began to lose their “edge”.
As I pointed out above, after RC4 the user forum, along with all of the information in it, was removed from their website. Well that’s nice… We help them debug and generally get their OS ready for the masses, only to lose this source of information when they release their buggiest RC yet. I decided to join their mail lists to see if I could find out what was going on.
What was going on was a lot of frustrated people. There were probably more too, but if they got treated as I did, the list moderator wasn’t adding their questions. My questions were submitted 3 times, yet not one made it into the threads.
A couple of user forums sprang up, but these were also largely filled with complaints and no answers.
Oh, and by the way, the most common complaint, other than RC4’s stability problems, seems to be the broken apt in Yoper. While you couldn’t tell this from their site due to the aforementioned support centers being taken down, apt was not a feature planned for the Release Candidates. It was always Yopers plans to only offer this in the final version. It’s really too bad they made such a decision as they didn’t give us early adopters much of an option other than to compile, or try to get non-Yoper packages to work.
They seemed to be expecting us users to do their work for them in that they openly posted they’d like people to package their compiled apps for others to use. This made the removal of our work –The support forums- doubly irritating as it was quite obvious that while we were debugging their system, and they were reaping the benefits, they weren’t interested in returning anything to us, much less allowing us to communicate on other issues.
Again, this would all have been forgivable if the product and return on investment continued to grow. But it hasn’t.
I myself decided to say check out some other alternative distributions with KDE 3.1 and the new Xfree included. The winner, surprisingly enough, has been the latest beta of Redhat 8!
Once I switched everything to KDE (yes… They did “cripple” a couple of components, but nothing that’s really hurt me as far as what I do –I even got Mosfets Liquid working under it!), I found the display to be as good, if not better than Yoper, and the speed was easily as good as Yoper (both launching apps, and overall system responsiveness)!!
Amazing… And while Redhat still has some of the package bloat that I remember from earlier versions, it’s overall a better experience than Yoper, and 200% better than previous versions of Redhat (remember 7.1… Ugh!).
And I suddenly had entire vistas of compatible packages and user help forums to choose from (Bonus!)
Losers in the “better than Yoper” contest were Mandrake 9.1 (slow), Vector Linux (couldn’t even install Lilo correctly), and College Linux (Download never would complete).
It’s kind of sad… Yoper had the momentum to build into something great, but from my perspective, they’ve decided to be greedy, not help those who’ve helped them get where they are (wherever the hell that is currently). And the impression that they’re trying to hide problems from the eyes of potential customers says a lot about where they’re going.
Not the way to become “the next big thing” in my book.
I don’t know if the there was some strategy or goal change in their business plan, but to me, they’ve lost all that made them unique –Particularly when compared to latest Redhat 8, which is amazing in all respects (even though it, like Yoper prior to now, is a pre-release, and not an actual released product at this point).
I’m disappointed to hear of Yoper’s problems with the later releases. I tried RC2 on a 500 MHz Pentium 3 w/ 128 MB of RAm and I was quite impressed. It installed completely in less than 15 minutes, and it was by far the most responsive implementation of Linux.
I for one don’t doubt the #1 ranking on distrowatch. Their reputation as the next big thing in Linux was, at least at the time, deserved.
As far as ive been able to deduce.. the whole intent of yos is this..The distro as downloaded is a generic no frills no config tools system. As they state.. their intent is a commercial franchise where “whole offices” would be converted in 2 days or less” Of course this would be a yos precompiled custom system to the customers specs.. for a price.. Not a bad idea, But lets say what it is. Yos is pretty much a “Taste” of what you could have the folks at yoper build for you. Mature costs money.
You can read that in the Yoper forum :
Posted by : yoper
Site Admin
Why bother to be a rude and brainless chicken. Stay away. We do not need you. It might not be Your OS. This is freedom of choice. We convert businesses. We save businesses. You are obviously not a business or in any way our target market. We are a business.
We compiled, tested, packaged, compiled, tested, packaged, compiled, tested, packaged. Until one of you actually tries it how can you even start talking. It is a complete new Linux not based on anything else, targetting the i686 business market. You nerds arenot our business. You nerds are no ones business and this is the reason why as a community we fail to fight M$ properly. After years of dev you could have actually given it an objective go instead of slagging it off and blindly comparing it to slackware only because it was posted on /. in the same article as slackware. Ignorance is bliss. Stay in your matrix and stay blind. This is a business and not a charity organization for brainless and gutless chickens that fill a forum up with junk.
Stay with your Linux and leave us alone. Business users need us, since they are sick of YOU. We do not need brainless nerds with too much time on their hand. We need businesses who want to save time and money and save their behind from having to hire you.
Is this guy nuts ? This behaviour disgusts me, he will NEVER have any recommendation for his distribution from me. His ingratitude toward the thousands of developers, who offered him the code he could compile to make money, disgusts me.
Yes, I read that same quote today and wow! That’s got to be the most offensive, least thought out, irrational post by people who call themselves a “company.”
That post shows the only thing they want–money. There is no “Linux” or “community” or “staying loyal to a userbase” here. Simply greed and money.
It’s too bad the admin guy had to lose his cool, but in the context of the argument, his comment was about the right level of nastiness that was called for, although not one you’d want to have associated with your company.
All of these people the admin was responding to it just want a free download and have nothing to offer for it but sucking up network bandwith. Good riddance.
I must say I have given up on linux but I might give this a try. I don’t understand the bashing of the screen shots. I think it looks very nice. And the big fonts? you mean the sane sized fonts. I think to many people are out of touch with normal people. The world has 15 and 17 inch screens. Till winXP i ran my 17 at 800×600 because anything higher was to hard to read. With XP i run 1024xwhatever. This is what the bulk of the world runs. To many people out there in linux distro land seam to think everyone have 21 inch monitors running at 1900xsomething. People don’t want to be blind in a few years. It looks like yoper is making a step in the right direction.
That ugly green/wood screenshot has been replaced, and the forum posts are no longer there.
Well well
Now we see what the Yoper guy meant about free speech.
Every post on their board has been removed.
Compulsory registration is now required.
If they now take a deep breath and try being more polite and reasoned in their responses to criticism, they may be able to salvage their reputation given time.
In order to use Yoper, you need access to help with configuring things, as the distro has no simple management interface for everything – like drakconf or the libranet admintool. Help with this was available before on their boards – but who in their right mind would rely on this when they have nuked the board TWICE now.
what a bunch of whinging old ladies!
sheesh, if you guys invested a tenth of the energy you’ve put into slagging off this very decent os into something constructive we’d all be better off.
i’m sure most of you have never even installed yoper, have you?
my experiences with yoper have been nothing but fantastic. i’ve been a yos user since rc1 and love it. i’ve been using linux full time since 1997 and this is seriously the most stable, fastest os i’ve ever used. bar none.
for chrissakes, if you don’t want to use it, don’t. noone is forcing you to use it, but before you start bleating on about how bad you think the fonts look (or whatever your pet peeve is) give it a try.
perhaps you’d like to show us exactly what you guys have done that comes anywhere near to what the yoper guys have done.
If you’re not familiar with Linux, don’t try RC4.
It contains show stopper bugs.
I installed it last night on an old PII/266 MHz laptop
with 192 MB RAM and
spent three hours chasing the bugs after installation.
The desktop by default will give you problems with your
keyboard if you’re using a US keyboard.
The best thing to do is blow away all kde specific configuration files before logging into kde for the first
time. The way to do this is to login through the text console
(alt-f1) and remove the following files:
@thom (IP: —.xtra.co.nz)
sheesh, if you guys invested a tenth of the energy you’ve put into slagging off this very decent os into something constructive we’d all be better off.
That’s the whole purpose of these forums, to talk about stuff like this, to discuss the good/bad/ugly. Your opinions and positive experiences with Yoper are valued just as much as the perosn who thinks Yoper sucks balls.
Most of you seem to be looking at yoper as a normal general purpose distribution or as a small fast home distribution like (lindows ugh or Xandos). However if you read some of the stuff on the site Yoper doesn’t really appear to be that at all!
Yoper seems to be a distributionthats been targeted directly at a specific area! Not home or general but office! Read the stuff by the developers. It appears to be intended as a small fast low bloat linux distribtution that can be installed on all computers in an office quickly, easily and cheaply!
It’s a productivity/office distribution it has one gui because an office only needs one and it helps to have every one in an office using the same one with regards to tech support. It only contains a few packages because an office doesn’t require 10 different text editors, 5 web browsers and other stuff to fill a harddrive.
Think about it it’s small! It’s compiled for i686 which is what most small offices computers are. It uses Kde which is probably currently the best intergrated of the Gui’s For GNU/linux with the most features needed in an office. It includeds mainly productivity apps and only a couple of each at most. Offices and companies don’t want every person using a different Gui, windows manager and office suite or text editor. They want a simple environment which allows them to carry out bussines as usual with works being able to treat all the computers the same.
I tried it for a few minutes. The install was text based but simple and understandable to a certain point. My problem is that it dosn’t seam to support my Iomega Zip 100, it just plain doesn’t see it. It came with all the pacages you would need such as open office.org and all the other standard stuff. It set it self up so I had to do very little modifications and I think this would be good for a new user.
I don’t think this is a bad distro but I wouldn’t pay for it, I would rather stick with Mandrake.
Looks like most of the positive comments about this distro comes from New Zealand… Do you think what i think?
Looks like most of the positive comments about this distro comes from New Zealand… Do you think what i think?
Probably. Considering Yoper has paid to advertise prominently on this site, I’m sure they visit frequently and post some (fake) good user reviews.
well i have read most of the comments here and on their forum and browsed their site. frankly i don’t buy yoper facts at all. i have yet to hear one person who really thinks it is as great as yoper thinks it is.
yoper likes claiming all over the place that they are a successfull business but where are the numbers? prove it yoper show me that your earnings make you king of all linux distros.
or even testaments by happy businesses?
what sort of business services do you provide? are you available 24/7 via phone, fax and online? how big is your development team (buy the sounds of one of the threads on your forum board you are down two more developers)? are you really charging a fee to those users who helped you put together packages?
all i get from your comments is a sense that you blow alot of hot air out your mouth while your distro blows air out the other end. i can’t wait until your mouth puts you out of business.
and for the record i build packages for the distro i work for every night and most of the weekend. i spent a week making OpenOffice. i spent three days patching kdebindings to working order. basically i have a whole second job that i come home to every night. i do it for free and i like it. i would also suspect that our distro would work far better in an office environment than yours. it is easy to administer and we actually can take criticism instead of crying and whining like some six year old who doesn’t get his way.
your attitude alone would make me suggest to individual, oh sorry “geek”, or business that yoper should not grace their machines as the head developer is bound to go off on you.
your attitude stinks. good luck … you’ll need it.
You guys are just too funny. I wish you would give M$ just half the bad press as you give us. Serously funny bunch of geeks.
In the end it is easy to just take a comment I made after at least 100 aggressive posts and post it here. I must say that I should not have said what I said and the lack of sleep is certainly not an excuse. Fact is also that I have the right to respond as much as others have the right to say things that are not true without even trying the product and without even reading the website properly. I think it is fair to say that most posts made on the release date were aggressive and negative, but funnily enough most of those who actually tried Yoper speak differently and are happy that we do what we do and how we do it. Freedom ends when swear words prevail and that was the case on that famous day when Yoper was released. This is why we deleted that whole day and strangely enough once slashdotters left the site, the tone in the forum is much more professional and true to the spirit of Open Source.
Thanks to all those from NZ and other places who think that Yoper rocks and want to support us. The business community in NZ has already embraced Yoper. Thanks to all the support from friends and family and business partners in creating what we believe is the Perfect Operating System.
Well Andreas, indeed you still have the right to reply angrily, you have all the rights that the rest of us have, but consider the slight orwellian doublethink you are applying in first going on and on about being a serious SERIOUS (Very Serious) company, and then firing of that load of bile acids.
Serious companies have to think before they act, i can’t see many SP500 companies telling their prospective customers to go screw themselves (my interpretation of your message) Though i will grant you that the world might be a a more amusing place if this happened.
And considering your vile stance against anybody of us freeloading scallywags in the “Linux Community” i find it slightly odd that you spend money to advertise on sites that are frequented by such lowlifes as us.
If you make your way through Sweden in the near future i offer you a free appointment (i’m a psychiatrist) and we can work on that problem you have with aggression.
With Regards
Thee Gluttonius Doctor ™
Thanks for the offer. I will certainly take it up if I come to sweden
. I wonder how you can read so much into a comment taken out of context. As a geek myself I sure don’t think geeks are low lifes. Anyhow. All the best to you.
Just to finish this off: I apologize to anyone that feels my comments are inappropriate.
Taking my single comment out of context is not fair, but then that is how it is. The comment in this forum was copied and pasted and was made after others posted 100’s of messages into our forum that were at least as aggressive as mine. I snapped and I do apologize for this.
I hope this can be understood and accepted by those geeks who work 20 hours a day like myself just because they believe Linux is the best OS choice. I am a geek!
Hi everyone, as a Yoper developer I thought I might just put in my NZ$0.02. Would like to start by saying, thanks for caring enough to have an opinion on us
Also, thanks to the guy who posted that infamous comment here, without even bothering to mention the fact that this was in response to a tidal wave of vitriolic flames from, primarily, people who have no interest in anything but assuming the worst. Not much like “oh, I tried your distribution but it had some bugs”, or “I downloaded it and it’s not my cup of tea, but thanks for trying”… more like “I have never heard of you but I hate you all the same” and “I can tell that you could never do anything right no matter what, so just don’t bother”. In the face of that, how can anyone be rational? Don’t tell me you wouldn’t be furious if almost everyone who you encountered immediately started spitting venom at you for no reason, or worse, for something that you’ve poured your heart and soul into for over a year.
But there were some positive voices. You know something’s wrong when the Voice of Dissent is the only one with anything nice to say. So we deleted the entire forum. Its purpose, after all, is to support the Yoper community, not to make them feel like they’re doing something wrong by believing in us. Not just certain posts, either; we nuked the whole thing, and started from scratch. Hope the people who spammed us with their bile are happy; having to commit to that type of action is not something we take lightly, so ten points for them.
Yoper is a fledgling company, but we don’t intend to evaporate anytime soon if it can be helped. If we were in it for the money and nothing else, like many seem to think, we would have given up six months ago before even RC1 saw a release. The genesis of YOS came about because we wanted to do consulting to start putting dents in a certain monopoly’s stranglehold on the OS market in NZ (to say nothing of the rest of the world)… but when we looked around, we could not find a single linux distro that we felt would serve our needs in this field.
So we started work on our own. And now everyone seems to hate us for it.
So: Thanks!
If we interest you, try us out. If we don’t, then please don’t gang up on us, as we wouldn’t do the same to you. If you can’t afford $US98 for YOS, we understand, but you can still feel free to use the second-most-recent version as your operating system…. and we’ll be glad to have you on board.
Regards all
(ps no, this is not a fake post