‘My Apple Watch after 5 days’

The positives far outweigh the negatives for me personally. The audio could be louder and the price more accessible for those with sensory impairment and reliant on the sort of accessibility features Apple offer.

I am now very happy to own an Apple Watch and look forward to making it work well for me.

Molly Watt has Usher Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that causes deafblindness. Her first few days with the Apple Watch are probably unlike that of any other reviewer, considering her situation. Quite insightful.


  1. 2015-05-01 6:50 pm
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  2. 2015-05-02 12:00 am
    • 2015-05-02 12:04 am
    • 2015-05-02 1:30 pm
      • 2015-05-03 12:52 am