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BlackBerry CEO sits down with Bloomberg candid interview

Among the topics discussed, why John Chen took the CEO job at BlackBerry, how the company has progressed since his arrival, the NSA and his plans for the future of BlackBerry. Even if you’ve heard some of the information before, it’s still an interesting and deeper look into the man now in charge of BlackBerry.

I could have been a BlackBerry customer. I tried to buy a Passport in Canada a few weeks ago, but nobody wanted to sell me one. Every shop I went into carried them, but when I waved my credit card in front of the salespeople and told them they didn’t even have to convince me to give them 700-800 Canadian dollars, they told me they were not allowed to sell me Passports off-contract. They are only allowed to sell Passports on-contract and locked.

As a Dutch guy waving 700-800 dollars around, this continues to baffle me to this day.


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