The death of an old friend sent Paul Ford on a bender; emulating old hardware to run familiar obsolete operating systems and software, and remembering 1980s and 1990s computing culture in about the most OSNews-bait article I’ve ever read. It’s a wonderful read, with all your old favorites: Commodore Amiga, dial-up BBSes, Xerox Alto, MacOS 6, Smalltalk-80, Plan 9, LISP, Windows 3.1, NeXT OpenStep. Nostalgic and heartwarming.
the provided link is not working, it does not contain an url
The link in the article has a typo in the href attribute (the “f” is missing). Here is the link:
Warning: There is rather large blue oddly animated thing at the top of the page – I cant really even tell what it is supposed to be… Scroll down.
Thanks for the heads up. Link fixed.. I really do sort of suck at this news posting business.
I don’t know, there has been a lot more news, a lot less opinion since Thom has been on hiatus. And I do get the feeling that Thom would have had more of an opinion on many of the stories, which is sometimes fun, but often times can grate a little.
I’ve been feeling a lot better now that I only read local news articles online, and not the opinion columns. Kinda miss reading the actual newspaper, but I really get annoyed by some of the local op/ed columnists. I just feel compelled to read the whole paper, so it was easier to quite cold turkey.
i would like to vote your comment as “innacurate” but without the “-1” penalty please…
That was a really beautiful text, thanks for linking.
It was worth the price of admission for one, beautifully insightful quote. But I loved every word of the article. Thanks for posting it.