“Open-sourced Android code for the Sony Xperia Z has recently been released on GitHub to enable developers and partners to get knee-deep into the device. Though the promise of vanilla Android is tantalizing, Sony is quick to remind folks that the Android build they’re posting isn’t meant for everyday use. As you can see from the video, all of the important stuff is working, but there are a few apps and services missing – after all, they don’t have the rights to open source everything.” This should be mandatory for being allowed to carry the Android trademark. Unlikely, but alas, even cynics such as myself may dream.
Since they pulled the stunt with Linux for the PS3 I swore to myself not to buy anything else from Sony.
Sony really got this bipolar approach to their product. Their phone are probably still not popular enough to deserve the gaze of the crazy part of their management
Someone here once suggested that they may just have kept a large portion of the Ericsson teams as is when they bought the company, keeping an Ericsson flavor to the actions this division takes.
After all, getting into huge management changes overnight is dangerous, and it might explain why Sony’s phone division differs so massively from the other ones.
“This should be mandatory for being allowed to carry the Android trademark.” I could not agree with you more
Even still, until/unless it can get OTA updates from Google, it’s still little more than a fake Android device.