Pocket’s tips for aspiring Android developers

“If you’re an aspiring Android developer, it may have been discouraging to read some of the recent conversations about what it’s like to develop for Android. With the number of different Android smartphones and tablets growing – by OpenSignalMaps’ count, 3997 distinct devices – the app-building process might seem complex, frustrating and, if you have to buy all these devices, way too expensive. But having just come off a successful Android launch for Pocket, and having supported Android devices since our Read It Later days in 2010, my message for you is this: fear not.” Lots of interesting bits of advice, but as a user often encountering horrible software on any mobile device, this one stands out as the one most mobile developers seem to not understand: “It may seem obvious, but if you want to develop for Android, become an Android user yourself.” Replace ‘Android’ with any other mobile operating system and it’d be just as valid.


  1. 2012-06-08 2:24 am
  2. 2012-06-08 8:17 pm