Oracle working on Haiku port of VirtualBox?

Back in September 2011, the Haiku project sponsored a Google Summer of Code student (Mike Smith) to develop guest additions for VirtualBox. The project was a success and was submitted to the VirtualBox project. The unofficial Haiku Google+ group just reported a Mailing List post by an Oracle engineer mentioning a “Haiku Port”: “The biggest pending change [the Haiku port] is waiting for build tools integration, and this is simply time consuming. The quality of this contribution is very high.” Lets hope this may be a sign that VirtualBox may officially run *under* Haiku at some point. On the other hand, this could just mean a “Haiku Port” of the VirtualBox guest additions. Judge for yourself.


  1. 2012-03-02 8:06 am
  2. 2012-03-02 9:47 am
  3. 2012-03-02 3:26 pm
  4. 2012-03-02 6:44 pm
  5. 2012-03-02 8:29 pm
    • 2012-03-03 4:50 pm