KAMiKAZOW writes “It’s now possible to boot ReactOS from CD and to compile ReactOS under itself. There will be also a new release before the end of this month.” Unlike many of the small, independent Linux distros and other OSes, ReactOS has a clearcut, fairly unique goal – to run Windows binaries. Read more on their homepage.
i haven’t check the cvs yet, but is reactos linux? (running the linux kernel) i thought that it is a pure attempt on recreating an open source NT.
I meant unlike many of the new fledging OS’es, many of which happen to be Linux. This is not Yet Another Useless OS.
..to nail jelly to the ceiling…
…is their clearcut aim. It’s good that they made some important progress.
I mean… you can make fun games out of that: “Who takes
the least time to eat the most jelly off the ceiling” or
ReactOS is meant to be a complete clone of Windows NT all the way down too the kernel level, so it doesn’t use the Linux kernel.
I don’t know if I should hold my breath for ReactOS.
However, I hope they do succeed.
will it be like 10 years lates and be the Freedos of the OS world?
>will it be like 10 years lates and be the Freedos of the OS world?
Much sooner than that I think. There are many lower level services that are running, many console apps work already, and there is basic windowing.
They are also working with wine to get the higher level wine dlls to compile for windows/reactos. The use of these dlls should speed up progress greatly once the lower level libs become more complete.
That is good news. Thanks for the info.
Sorry for any pessimism, but timing is critical.
Their goal is to replicate Windows NT and to run Windows NT applications as a result of which. Similar to OBOS.
True, but ReactOS started around the time NT was released, FreeDOS around a decade after DOS was released. There is a difference there. Personally, I wouldn’t invest my time nor money into this project simply because Microsoft doesn’t have much of its OS documented (meaning they have to reverse engineer all the way).
from ReactOS in the last years, but right now it seems to be progressing very good =)
If something is not yet OpenSource it has to be freed by the community! Gogogo Team!
Resistance Is Futile
I work on the port of the WINE dlls to Windows and just wanted to let everyone know to be ready. It wont be long till we have application compatiblity as good as WINE and we are working non-stop to fix the remaining issues with driver and networking support.
If you want to help we are now releasing binary builds of the current CVS at http://reactos.wox.org
I’ve played around with ReactOS in bochs, and I like it.
The only problem I have at present is that the blue screen the command interpreter runs in, forces bochs’ window down off my Linux monitor’s screen. So you can’t do anything with the command interpreter once it goes below a certain level.
And at the moment I’m away from my own PC, so I can’t do anything about getting the command interpreter to run in a window, until I get back home.
Bummer. Bummer. And bummer again!
Wesley Parish