GTK+OSX is a native Mac OS X port of the Linux-based GTK+ open source graphical user interface library. GTK+OSX version 0.1 is an alpha release intended for developers.
GTK+OSX is a native Mac OS X port of the Linux-based GTK+ open source graphical user interface library. GTK+OSX version 0.1 is an alpha release intended for developers.
A couple of screenshots would have been nice, even if they were just “Hello World” buttons. Does GTK+OSX integrate with Aqua any better than the Windows version integrates with Windows? Or does it look just as out of place?
The GTK+OSX(linked to in the article) website has screenshots in the appleications section. Right now it appears to draw the same old widgets as Linux GTK. I guess as it matures, it would be possible to implement the GTK theming with one of those Aqua looking themes, although have it translate into real Aqua widgets would be nice, along with a menu where it’s supposed to be.
although have it translate into real Aqua widgets would be nice, along with a menu where it’s supposed to be.
Nice but an ungodly amount of work due to the need to reimplement all of GTK, not just GDK, and would certainly come with unexpected results due to widget placement/alignment and different box models.
The shortest path to UI consistency would be a theme.