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BareMetal Node: HPC kernel in 6KiB

BareMetal Node is a HPC platform based off of BareMetal OS. The kernel binary on the nodes is 6KiB and mainly contains the network and disk drivers. A C or Assembly program can make use of all available CPU cores via the Orchestrator program that controls what the nodes are working on.


  1. 2011-04-07 10:35 pm
    • 2011-04-07 11:24 pm
      • 2011-04-08 4:17 am
      • 2011-04-10 12:20 am
        • 2011-04-10 1:03 am
          • 2011-04-10 10:16 pm
          • 2011-04-11 12:12 am
  2. 2011-04-10 12:19 pm
    • 2011-04-10 7:36 pm
  3. 2011-04-11 8:58 pm