“The Zeus malware continues to evolve, diversifying away from its target bank sites and their customers, and over to sites with user credentials that allow assets that have a financial value.”
“The Zeus malware continues to evolve, diversifying away from its target bank sites and their customers, and over to sites with user credentials that allow assets that have a financial value.”
As I have previously said about another security-related item, I don’t like seeing these kinds of reports on osnews. Not that I’m trying to deny such malware exist. I just don’t like the almost lauding tone of the linked articles. But that’s just me.
Some, not all, malware can be seen as a failure of the underlying Operating System itself. Seeing one’s own failures is a good start to self-improvement. You never know, one day, someone may be able to solve some specific problem once and for all.
Please do not suppress the knowledge about such problems. It already is on page 2, don’t blast it into oblivion.