Documentation on how to create a FreeBSD DomU is scarse, so I wrote this step-by-step guide, to guide users from the initial download to a complete, running FreeBSD DomU under a Linux Dom0 Xen host. The guide covers creating the initial Xen kernel, configuring the Xen host, generating the correct configurations, resizing FreeBSD partitions in Xen and cleanly booting the final OS. In the process, we will also create a template disk image which can be used to generate new VM’s very quickly. The entire process can be completed in under an hour the first time, and only takes 5-10 minutes to re-generate future VM’s.
To bad kFreeBSD can’t be used for that yet. Atleast that is what it looks like from here.
Would have been kinda funny. Running Debian GNU/Linux on top of Debian GNU/kFreeBSD.
I think the other way around does work: Debian GNU/kFreeBSD on top of Debian GNU/Linux.
Correct, FreeBSD doesn’t support Xen Dom0.
By the way, NetBSD can be used as Dom0.
Has the NetBSD dom0 support been updated beyond Xen 2.x? I haven’t kept up with it (prefer KVM over Xen), but last I heard, it hadn’t been updated to Xen 3.x yet. It seems that at least HEAD is updated to support dom0 support. Since one of the developers behind Xen is NetBSD guy as far as I know (I am not sure whether still he is or not though), NetBSD is always more up to date than any other BSD I assume.
As far as I know, NetBSD Xen is already in version 3.
I’m not trying to pimp EC2, BUT, there is a FreeBSD-Current (9.0) AMI (Amazon uses Xen for EC2) easily available. Also you can get a free t1.micro instance (653M RAM/ 10G root device) for a year. Tried it out and it works nicely..