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Google, Adobe Respond to Apple’s Policy Changes

Yesterday’s back-pedaling from Apple has been very well received in the industry. Two companies who were bitten pretty hard by Apple’s policies – Google (through AdMob) and Adobe – have both responded to yesterday’s changes, and as you can expect, they’re both pretty happy.

Much of the focus has been on how the ban on third-party development tools and languages for iOS application development hurt Adobe and its Flash-to-iOS compiler in Flash Professional CS5. Adobe ceased development on this particular feature after Apple banned it, but now that Cupertino has caved under the pressure, Adobe is back in the game.

“Apple’s announcement today that it has lifted restrictions on its third-party developer guidelines has direct implications for Adobe’s Packager for iPhone, a feature in the Flash Professional CS5 authoring tool,” the company writes, “This feature was created to enable Flash developers to quickly and easily deliver applications for iOS devices. The feature is available for developers to use today in Flash Professional CS5, and we will now resume development work on this feature for future releases.”

We focussed on the third-party tools and review guidelines yesterday, but Apple also lifted the ban on third-party analytics services, which is a big boon for Google’s AdMod. Like Adobe, Google is pretty happy with this change, of course.

“This is great news for everyone in the mobile community, as we believe that a competitive environment is the best way to drive innovation and growth in mobile advertising,” said Omar Hamoui, vice president of product management at Google, “Mobile advertising has already helped to fund tens of thousands of mobile apps across many different platforms and devices, and it will help do the same for many more in the years ahead.”

So, all is right with the world.


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