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Win Three Free Copies of Moho 4.0.1

Moho is a 2D vector-based cartoon animation application for Windows and Macs, created by Lost Marble. It is not an ink & paint tool that requires you to draw and scan each frame of your animation – Moho provides the complete set of tools you need to create an animated cartoon, from drawing and coloring to keyframe animation, multi-layer compositing and final rendering of QuickTime and AVI movie files. Moho can be used to create animation for video, film, or streaming over the web and you can now be one of the three lucky OSNews readers to win a free, full copy of Moho 4.0.1.Moho contains a vector-based drawing component, making it suitable for illustration tasks as well. The animation tools include manipulators for controlling skeletons – useful for working with characters, and a huge timesaver compared to traditional hand-drawn animation. Moho works with text the same as any other primitive object, making it useful for simple video titling up through any complex text deformation you can dream up. For more features make sure you check out here while you can view some screenshots here or download the demo here.

Things you need to know before entering the competition:

  • ALL the form fields below need to be field with real and honest information, so Lost Marble can reply to you in case you’ve won.

  • Lost Marble will randomly pick up three winners, and they will be announced on OSNews tomorrow.

  • OSNews does not accept any other responsibility other than hosting this competition. OSNews does not receive any information from the form, Lost Marble does.

  • The competition will be active on Thursday, December 5th 2002.

  • Lost Marble retains the right to add your email address to their ANNOUNCE-only mailing list (low traffic), but do not worry, your email address will only be used for this purpose and not any other.

  • The prize is electronic. You will be sent a registration code to apply to the demo of Moho 4.0.1.

  • You are allowed one entry.

  • Good luck everyone!

    The competition is now closed. Thank you everyone for taking part. The winners will be announced Friday, Dec 06, 2002.


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