My 7 Days Using Haiku Alpha Release 1

21) AbiWord

On startup, I had to set the executable permissions; then, it crashed with the following report:

<p>GNU gdb 6.3</p>

[tcsetpgrp failed in terminal_inferior: Invalid Argument]<br />
Thread 254 called debugger(): Looper must be locked.<br />
Reading symbols from /boot/system/runtime_loader...done.<br />
...<br />
Reading symbols from /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/WonderBrushTranslator...done.<br />
Loaded symbols for /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/WonderBrushTranslator<br />
[tcsetpgrp failed in terminal_inferior: Invalid Argument]<br />
[Switching to team /boot/home/temp/AbiWord (254) thread AbiWord (254)]<br />
0xffff0114 in ?? ()<br />

22) AbiWord

Again, this version of AbiWord crashes with the following:

<p>GNU gdb 6.3</p>

[tcsetpgrp failed in terminal_inferior: Invalid Argument]<br />
Thread 379 called debugger(): Looper must be locked.<br />
Reading symbols from /boot/system/runtime_loader...done.<br />
Loaded symbols for /boot/system/runtime_loader<br />
...<br />
Reading symbols from /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/WonderBrushTranslator...done.<br />
Loaded symbols for /boot/system/add-ons/Translators/WonderBrushTranslator<br />
[tcsetpgrp failed in terminal_inferior: Invalid Argument]<br />
[Switching to team /boot/home/temp/AbiWord (379) thread AbiWord (379)]<br />
0xffff0114 in ?? ()<br />

23) Gobe Productive 2.0.1

Gobe works. I’m using it now for my stuff.


24) FloppyCopy

The software installs, displays options, and closes with no incidents. Unfortunately, Haiku is not recognizing my floppy drive in my system. Replaced and tested the drive…it works in DOS & Windows. I need floppy drive driver for Haiku to recognize the drive. Then, maybe the software will work as advertised.

25) ImageMounter & Mountimage software
Files: &

For ImageMounter, the software fails with the following report:

~/temp/ImageMounterx86> ImageMounter<br />
runtime_loader: /boot/home/temp/ImageMounterx86/ImageMounter: Could not resolve symbol 'mount'<br />
resolve symbol "mount" returned: -2147478780<br />
runtime_loader: /boot/home/temp/ImageMounterx86/ImageMounter: Troubles relocating: Symbol not found

For mountimage, it fails and reports the following message, “Could not open “mountimage” (Missing symbol: mount)”.

I guess it does not matter. If you double-click the image file, the image file automatically mounts onto the Desktop…a nice Haiku feature.

26) BurnIt NOW!
Files: Copied directory from Senryu Personal Edition Raw Image.

Started up with the following message, “Could not find cdrecord/mkisofs. You have to install them in /boot/home/config/bin…Okey”. So, I created two links for each and it started right up with no messages.

I started a new virtual CD, selected files into the Virtual CD, and I ensured the size of the CD by using the “Calc. Size” button. Then, I hit the “Burn!” button; after answering a prompt, it created an image of the virtual CD to burn. It proceeded to prompt me to “Put in a CDR/CDRW”, which I had not done. At which point, I loaded a CD in the CDRW drive, when it flashed on and then off. It said it was “Done!”. Of course, it did not burn the CD in 1 second. So, we have issues…needs more research.

27) Package Builder
Files: Copied directory from BeOS 5 PE Max Edition (V4b1) image

Works right from the directory. This is still the best package builder for BeOS/Zeta/Haiku!

28) Paladin

Well, what can I say? It works so far.

29) BeZillaBrowser

Almost forgot to mention my issues with this application. For most part, it is the best Internet interface we have when compared to FireFox. It clearly has better performance. However, it too can be sluggish or unresponsive. For most of my experiences using it, the “Unresponsive Script” errors/notifications really put a hamper on its speed. Like FireFox, it is also a CPU hog while it is working on transfers for WWW content to fill the page.

I used BeZillaBrowser for everything on the Internet. On Facebook, I played Mafia Wars and Caste Age. On using Castle Age, the only issue was I could not attack my dragon/monster using the “Attack” buttons – they do not get displayed. The “Call For Aid” button is also missing as well. I e-mailed using Yahoo! and Netscape; in addition, I downloaded many files. Not bad for Haiku.


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