Learn how to use configurable JavaServer Pages TagLib-based controls that leverage JavaScript Serialized Object Notation, JavaScript scripting language, and Cascading Style Sheets. Because they are standard JSP TagLib controls, find out how you can easily drop them into any Java EE application to provide more intuitive and responsive user user interfaces.
Now, try saying out loud the title and hear how silly it sounds
‘Talib’ means ‘student’ in Arabic.
I have visions of hordes of Lebanese students on-call 24/7 ready to whip up java code on demand!
There once was a man named Thom
Whose keyboard’s “G” wouldn’t come on
He typed and he tapped
He tapped and he typed
But he gave up and left it alone.
Ya O.K. so I am a sucky poet.
not sure why someone would want to go through all that work when GWT is available