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Linux Distros and Apple beat Microsoft’s Homepage Uptime

Royal Pingdom blog has posted with a comparison of home page load times and uptimes and concludes that various Linux distributions and Apple, both beat Microsoft’s record.

  • 13/16 Linux distributions (and Apple) had less downtime than Microsoft’s homepage.
  • 5/16 Linux distributions had less downtime than Apple’s homepage.
  • Four homepages had NO downtime: Red Hat, Mepis, Knoppix and Fedora.
  • Five homepages had more than an hour of downtime: Gentoo, Mandriva, Mint, Arch and Microsoft.


  1. 2008-11-20 4:57 am
  2. 2008-11-20 5:49 am
    • 2008-11-20 9:50 am
  3. 2008-11-20 6:59 am
  4. 2008-11-20 7:36 am
  5. 2008-11-20 12:14 pm
  6. 2008-11-20 1:58 pm
  7. 2008-11-20 2:12 pm
  8. 2008-11-21 1:35 am
  9. 2008-11-21 12:03 pm