“I recently got a copy of my new book, ‘Mac OS X for Unix Geeks‘, and as I anxiously await its arrival in bookstores, I have a little time to reflect. So, I’m offering the top ten tips that I gathered while working on the book. These tips will show you the differences between Mac OS X and other flavors of Unix; help you find the bits that resemble the Unix you are used to; and even feather your nest with XFree86 and ports of popular open source applications.” Read the article over at O’Reilly.
Nice amazon refferal link Eugenia. Not that I’m complaining, just amazed at how nicely you sneaked it in .
MacSlash.org did the same. Slashdot does the same.
I don’t see the problem.
that the O’Reilly article actually gives the reader 13 different options of selecting from whom to buy the Mac OS X Book.
OS news creates a website, highlights other company’s articles, in this case, hyperlinks to O’Reilly’s article and gives OS News readers only 1 option (Amazon US).
So in essence, OS News could possible make money from another company’s work. That is funny.
> So in essence, OS News could possible make money from another company’s work. That is funny.
It is not funny at all. What we do is what most web sites do. Look at MacSlash on the SAME story like this one and on other book-related stories.
Look our book review articles too, they all link to Amazon, because we have syndication with Amazon, no matter if the book is from OReilly or anywhere else. Amazon SELLS it for OReilly.
All you have to do is buy it from Amazon if you want to support OSNews. If you do not want to support OSNews, go buy it from wherever you want.
I suggest you surf more and see how the whole thing works.
It is like saying that when we link to a shop that sells a GeForce4 card, we should list all other resellers of GeForce. All the thousands of them. It is stupid. We link to the one we have a syndication with and that would help OSnews survive. There is nothing “unethical” about it. Everyone does the amazon thing. If OReilly wants us to link there, they should do a similar thing like Amazon does with their resellers and offer competitive percentages. It is as simple as that.
And if you want to know, OSNews is in a very good relationship with O’Reilly, they send us free books for reviews. And they know that we always link to the Amazon page of the book. They are 100% absolutely fine with that.
So in essence, OS News could possible make money from another company’s work. That is funny.
Yeah, just like everybody else on the planet. Is there a point here?
Boy, I don’t get it at all.
OS News provides a service to it readers by highlighting article around the web that OSNews feels its readers would be interested in, and by providing a resource to let its users discuss those articles.
In the process, in some articles with books, it provides a quick link to a provider that, should the user be so inclined purchase a book, gives a small finders fee to OS News.
How is this wrong? Why is this bad? What cost to the readers does this behaviour have?
Is this a dancing, juggling circus bear animated on your screen with a soundtrack from a dogs squeak toy? No. It’s a simple little link.
What’s the big deal? It’s like some subtle trick they’re playing on you, is that it? You “accidently” clicked on the link and..and..HOLY APPLE! I’m at AMAZON! OMG!!
I realy can’t wait for this book. Just thinking about all the cool things I can do and have not figured out
that the O’Reilly article actually gives the reader 13 different options of selecting from whom to buy the Mac OS X Book.
OS news creates a website, highlights other company’s articles, in this case, hyperlinks to O’Reilly’s article and gives OS News readers only 1 option (Amazon US).
So in essence, OS News could possible make money from another company’s work. That is funny
It is good that Eugenia puts her avertisments in an article rather then seeing a nice flashing eye killing banner.Besides it is support this site which we all seem to enjoy.