The second pre-release of Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring is here. This pre-release brings a near-final snapshot of KDE 4.0 (final 4.0 packages are currently being uploaded to the Cooker repositories), new NVIDIA and ATI drivers, the chance to test the experimental Nouveau open source driver for NVIDIA cards, kernel 2.6.24rc7, and more. See here for download information.
Seems like it’s becoming a tradition to announce alpha/beta versions. Is it really worth effort?
This is OS News. It’s news about an operating system.
You’re welcome!
You spent more effort posting this useless comment than it would have taken to ignore the article and simply move on. Is it really worth the effort?
Its a heads up for us geeks.So, its news.
I can remember when only very late betas or Release Candidates were announced and/or reviewed by tech sites. Now, every time an Ubuntu developer changes the default background image or updates a library it makes the front page of all the tech sites. I just don’t see the sense in this. It would be like an audience attending the rehearsals of every major Broadway play and then critiquing the performance. I’d much rather see a well done review of the final release candidate ahead of the gold release then see a detailed reporting of the minutia of development. I don’t care if this is OS news. There is a such a thing as too much information.
There is such a thing as ignoring news items.
Excuse me? Why does my comment automatically label me as an “Ubuntu hater”, as you seem to imply. I in fact use Ubuntu. And, I enjoy OSNews. So, why should I ignore some news items? Some items simply aren’t news and certainly not worthy of entire articles about them. It’s the same in all topics. Was it necessary for some major news outlets to spend two entire days discussing everything but the color of Hillary’s underwear in the run up to the Iowa Caucuses? Perhaps I’ll rephrase: There’s a such a thing as unnecessary information.
I would say this is not a big news item yet I think it still is worth posting here. Mandriva is after all a big distro used by quite a few people. Of course it would be annoying if all the possible alpha and prerelease versions were announced here but one every now and then? I see no problem with that.
Err… because you troll every Ubuntu-related story with the same unfounded claims, and complain about OSNews reporting on it, *every chance you get*? And even interject your irrational obsession with Ubuntu into threads on completely unrelated stories, as you have done in this case?
Just a thought.
As someone who’s running 2008 on my primary workstation and regularily using the liveCD, I’m very happy that OSnews took a moment to let me know that 2008.1 repositories and liveCD are now available. I don’t always have time to check back to the Mandriva site and this is the only one of my daily news sites that mentioned it.
Now, my ISP won’t be very happy once I get the rsync commands in my local repository updater script what with my machine spending the next day and a bit building out the third repository collection.
Mandriva is not just a free distribution. It is also a commercial distribution. Betas of commercial distributions “ARE” news.
Regarding Ubuntu, there was news here about an alpha build!
Edited 2008-01-13 04:48 UTC
Speaking of Mandriva, anyone has screenshots of this release?