“It’s hard to pin down what exactly the Penny Arcade Expo is. The point isn’t to sell anything, although you can buy a lot of games and gaming-related merchandise at the show. The point isn’t to hype games that are coming out, although this year many developers and publishers were on hand to do just that. The point isn’t to organize tournaments or to win anything, although there were tournaments and many prizes. This year, PAX boasted over 19,000 people in preregistrations alone, and the show outgrew its old home at the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue, instead taking over the Washington State Convention and Trade Center in Seattle.”
Every single one of their comic’s sums up a point perfectly in three frames.
Most are of the comics are very well done. Some I don’t don’t know what they were thinking. Though that doesn’t make them bad. That’s the nature of many comics. Penny Arcade is just one of those comics I hold in very high esteem. It has always been fun reading comics about games I’m playing or about the politics surrounding gaming.
I took an impromptu weekend holiday in Seattle…one weekend *before* PAX, which I’d somehow forgotten was happening.
Boy, was I pissed.