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10 Year Anniversary Blast from the Past

The earliest OSNews articles and news postings have not been available online in many years, as they were mostly static HTML, and when we made the switch over to our v1 CMS, I just filed it away on my hard drive. But to celebrate our 10 year anniversary, let’s take a peek at what was hot in the OS world in 1997. Visit our OSNews 1997 archive. We have some feature articles, opinion pieces, and a fascinating view of several days of daily news frozen in time (and chock full of dead links). Take some time to look it over. On an unrelated note, Read More if you are in, or have contacts in, the graphic design world and would like to help OSNews.We were hoping to unveil our updated design and our fully-overhauled new back-end system for our tenth anniversary, but problems retaining a graphic designer have postponed that project yet again. If you know a great designer who’d be available right now to help us out, contact me. We’d like to help someone who can help us develop and establish the look and feel of OSNews for the next 10 years.


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