“Yesterday the OpenBSD Foundation announced its inception as a legal entity in charge of donations of money and equipment for the OpenBSD operating system and its associated projects. Today we have an interview with Ken Westerback, one of the foundation’s founding members.”
How will it ever survive without Theo TheRatt micro-managing the hell out of it?
I’m sure your statement is part jest, but I hope there is a new “layer” added to OpenBSD development – one that interfaces to the outside world. Currently, OpenBSD is developed by developers for (INHO) developers. If a user can come along, great, otherwise, too bad. I think the OpenBSD devs have a _right_ to that attitude – it’s their creation – but I really think OpenBSD is so good that it _ought_ to be used by more people than currently do. If the focus was outward, I think there would be a more-friendly install (although I’ve gotten used to it) and more configuration tools for everyday users. I know that is not the focus, but I think it could be – but it would require solid financial backing. I hope the foundation serves as more than just a financial tool, but also as a voice for the everyday user. However, I doubt that can happen due to egos. Seems a shame to me.