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Reviews: Fedora 7

Some review of Fedora 7. First, eWeek concludes: “We were impressed to see how amenable to customization this popular Linux-based operating system has grown.” also reviews Fedora 7. “Fedora 7 was released last week, a little bit behind schedule, with a spate of new features, updates, and live CD installable “spins” of Fedora in KDE and GNOME flavors. I found a lot of good in this release, but a bug in the FireWire stack that attacked my external backup drive made this release just a little shy of perfect.” Update: Two more Fedora articles, a review and a news article.


  1. 2007-06-07 3:52 am
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  2. 2007-06-07 11:19 am
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  4. 2007-06-07 2:13 pm