The Efika book is a free multilanguage ebook dedicated to the Efika mainboard from Genesi. It contains information about the Efika hardware, its setup and its supported operating systems (Linux distributions, MorphOS). The latest version can already be freely downloaded in English, French and Swedish. Some older versions can also be found in Czech, Italian and Russian. It will be available soon in other languages such as Spanish, German, Turkish, Greek, Portuguese and Polish. This book follows his previous work on the Pegasos book.
This is very nice of OSNews to feature the EFIKA Book. Thank you. There are many that have contributed to that effort. We very much appreciate the recognition you are giving Geoffrey Charra and all the other contributors.
Geoffrey, thank you very much for your effort giving us this book that contains all we need to know about Efika !
EFIKA Sucka.
Time for Aros to Rise , everyone should abandon PPC crap and run aros or port Morph to Playstation 3
Edited 2007-05-24 18:56
will the efika book expand to cover these sort of things?…
then if you could get all this working together!
big stuff and more than a book.
Hi everyone !
Thanks for support !
@Rasmus : well, the Efika book will expand to incorporate the projects listed here: