This is release 0.3.1 of ReactOS, an open source effort to develop an operating system that is compatible with applications and drivers written for the Microsoft Windows NT family of operating systems (NT4, 2000, XP, 2003). Mainly, the work focused on rewriting certain parts of the ReactOS Core (kernel, HAL, bootloader, etc).
the installation ISO and am gonna give it a test drive. I have been looking forward to this release!
Woop woop! Keep up the good work dudes!
darn, I just tried the livecd and it failed to start on my p4 2.8gz 2gb ram, on which the 0.30 livecd ran fine. it shows the reactos splash, then goes black. I’ll try it on my old amd athlon 1.33gz later. you got the installation working SReilly?
Hey Valhalla, sorry about the delay. The girlfriend came buy and demanded we watch “Kill Bill” so no OS fix for me last night. ;-(
I tried installing it running on VirtualPC 2007 but it doesn’t boot. The installer runs flawlessly but the system freezes during boot up.
I would have tried it with VMWare abut don’t have a version that installs on Vista 64bit.
I’ll keep testing and trying.
Yeah good work but it doesn’t work on my hardware
[…] Please don’t forget this is an alpha-stage operating system, which means it is not suitable to replace your main OS. Also, this release is aimed to be run mostly in virtualizers / emulators (like QEmu, VMWare, Parallels, etc): because of the big amount of changes, our development team was not able to test/fix all problems which arise when running ReactOS on real hardware. […]
Yeah I am aware it’s an alpha
But even if it wasn’t an alpha, I do not expect it to work. Even FreeBSD doesn’t work and most older Linux kernels — problems with JMicron
What kind of hardware is it?
Really nice. Running ReactOS 3.1 now, and its a major improvement over previous versions.
And have a look at the Changelog, its huge.
Now if it would only run World of Warcraft…..
a huge congratulation to the React OS developers. That’s so great!
A FREE, Windows compatible OS based on linux. great!
It’s not based on linux in any way.
It’s a full operating system, based on the NT design, completley written from scratch.
A FREE, Windows compatible OS based on linux. great!
It’s not based on Linux.
(wow okay sorry when I was wrong.
But giving me a score of -3 is a bit heavy.)
okay that means it’s wrote from scratch?
…but do they have lawyers…
They don’t need them
> They don’t need them
Bold statement… any evidence for that?
Any evidence for them needing lawyers/breaking the law? I don’t know where you’re from but in the EU there are no software patents (yet) and the copyright laws don’t apply because they wrote it from scratch (i.e. without using any microsoft code).
Both correct, but being right in the sense of the law and “not needing a lawyer” are two things. In fact, they may need a lawyer to *prove* they’re right in the sense of the law.
The auditing process it so fine-masked I don’t see a reason atm.
The devs are very cautious in regard to IP and laws in USA.
Besides that it doesn’t matter in relation to Europe. Software patents are void in EU and the only reason one can get software patents in EU is to protect IP in USA.
I do test every releases they make. Unfortunately, it’s still broken in many areas. The “Explorer” clone never really worked. This time, Firefox won’t install. Don’t expect too much.
ReactOS’ explorer.exe works fine on WinNT-family (2000/XP/Vista), it is fully functional.
Although, ReactOS’ shell32 and win32k are not matured enough, that’s why you can see several small glitches. Additionally, the clipboard server, beside other things is not available in 0.3.1 at all.
Firefox up to version 1.5.x do work fine; Firefox 2.0 got a new setup app which cause problems in current state.
Please bear in mind that ReactOS 0.3.1 is still in alpha stage. A lot of things have changed (major kernel & HAL improvements, freeloader, etc.) since 0.2.x series, and some new regressions and glitches have been introduced. Following releases will contain less bugs and better compatibility.
Couldn’t install with VirtualBox either.
Virtual Box (vBox) is still too buggy (afaik) and several operating system won’t work, including ReactOS.
Additionally ReactOS 0.3.1 hardware support regressed due major kernel mode changes. There are reports it doesn’t work in VPC ’07, VPC ’04, vBox and in AMD XP and (X2) 64 CPUs. The reason is unfinished code in the kernel involving interrupt handlers/traps.
I’m planning to download and play with the new release tonight when I get home from work, but just from perusing the Changelog, you can see that a TON of work was done…
And I think the visible changes in this release are just the tip of the iceberg, because it sure looks to me that they did a ton of “under the hood” stuff that will only become evident in future releases.
I’m looking forwards to 0.5 whenever it comes out…
Once I can use ReactOS as a daily driver, I’ll be bidding farewell to Windows XP. I’m already not moving to Vista.
reactos doesnt work with virtualpc now,it doesnt work with virtualbox either,it only works with qemu or vmware, you can download a pre-installed copy of reactos from