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Pardus Gives Linux a Custom Lift

“Apart from a KDE desktop and applications, the developers of the Pardus 2007 Linux distribution have built an entire distribution from scratch. Pardus, released last month, has its own multilingual installer, custom dependency-resolving package manager, and an INIT system that slashes boot times by several seconds. The distribution has come a long way since its first release in 2005, when it was based on Gentoo and lacked a package manager. Thanks to its custom tools, it’s one of the easiest Linux distribution to run and manage.”


  1. 2007-01-25 7:54 pm
    • 2007-01-25 8:34 pm
      • 2007-01-26 1:25 am
        • 2007-01-26 9:59 pm
  2. 2007-01-25 8:35 pm
    • 2007-01-25 11:41 pm
    • 2007-01-26 3:38 am
  3. 2007-01-25 10:31 pm
  4. 2007-01-26 5:50 am