“Before Vim 7.0 was released last May, I usually had six or seven xterms or Konsole windows open, each with a single Vim session in which I was editing a single file. This takes up a lot of screen space, and isn’t very efficient. With Vim 7.0, users now have the option of using tabs within Vim. With Vim’s tab features you can consolidate all your sessions into one window and move between files more easily.”
…because it has tabs. I wish the OS X terminal had that.
Looks like Leopard terminal will. Thanks to lifelogger for linking to a functioning mirror of these shots:
Still love Konsole
*edit* clarified leopard version of OSX terminal
Edited 2007-01-25 08:16
I love Konsole as much as anyone but you can get pretty much the same functionality by just using GNU Screen and any terminal emulator (being Aterm and Eterm two of my favorites – both lightweight and good looking!).
Eterm even includes a “theme” called Escreen that shows screen´s sessions as buttons in the bottom of the window.
Log into your machine remotely using PuTTY as often and start as many sessions as I do and soon you realize that screen can´t be beat.
Edited 2007-01-25 16:35
I work with split windows heavily and switch using ctrl+j and ctrl+k to switch and maximize. Just as easy and more flexible to boot.
If you are working from your own desktop I’d recommend you start using macros and keystrokes. There’s no need for all the tabs or windows or what not. Simply put the files you normally edit into a list that you access with say *l and then go the file name you want to edit and say type **. Or set up sequences for your common files like *abc to take you to your favorite file. Or like above, *l, to take you to the file containing all the files you normally edit. It makes life much easier than tabs or separate windows if you are a power user.
It’s not about knowing or not knowing about how to tweak Vim (I have a 1.5MB .vim directory about 200k of which I’ve personally written), it’s about integration and convenience. I could do some weird set of shortcut mappings, or I could just use the Project.vim plugin for opening my common files and use the aforementioned split buffers to switch between them. It’s a lot less work.
Hello ?
Doesn’t multiple buffer do the trick ?
$ vim *.txt
:b 3
etc etc …
And you can put another buffer in a split :
What’s new with tabs ?
AFAIK, tab is just like vims inside vim. You can switch between them without saving current buffer (:w). When you :q, you quit from tab, not from vim.
One vi per xterm ? Any shell I know supports jobs.
Maybe he should read the manual a little…
I’ve been using multiple buffers in Vim for quite some time. Sometimes I use split, most times I realize I need another file *after* I’ve started Vim. Then you just:
:hide edit filename2.c
To check your buffers, you can do a:
To jump between buffers, do this:
:b 2
This allows you to have multiple files open and being worked on. You can easily copy and paste between buffers as well. I have been running Vim 7.0 since it came out, but haven’t taken the time to learn tabs yet. Perhaps tomorrow…