“Francois Revol, a.k.a. mmu_man, commited this Saturday to the Haiku’s source tree his GoogleFS, a project he started working on about 2 to 3 years ago. GoogleFS is basically a queries bookmark, meaning you can search Google right from your Desktop, be it Haiku or ZETA, and the results are displayed like a regular query you run nowadays.”
It’s always nice to see new things happening with Haiku.
BTW, what happened to the Xfce 4.4 article that was right under this one?
XFCE 4.4.0 hasn’t actually been released yet (well, as of right now when I write this). Check http://www.xfce.org and see. The links on that article were to a test/staging server, and I bet they were pulled because of premature announcement.
Bad idea. They should never have used a trademarked name for this project. Google might go after them, and rightly so.
Not a problem. Then they rename it “web query” or something equally generic.
Now let’s see if they can make a Haiku equivalent of Gmail Drive.
It’s a surprise that they came up with this for Haiku R1, though. I read on Haiku’s Wikipedia article that one of Glass Elevator’s (Haiku R2) planned features include desktop search like Apple’s Spotlight or Google’s Desktop Search.
Maybe this can be extended to include such capabilities.
AFAIK google prohibits using anything that modifies the website code.
> Now let’s see if they can make a Haiku equivalent of Gmail Drive.
It’s planned
But I’d rather first make a real gmailfs (that is publishing the email, and queriable).
> It’s a surprise that they came up with this for Haiku R1.
It’s not been written specifically for Haiku, I just ported it because I wanted Bruno to showcase it, but it was written for BeOS long ago.
> (Haiku R2) planned features include desktop search[…]
You mean like content searching and so on ? cause BeOS/Haiku already has queries that are quite powerful and way predates Spotlight (which btw uses a syntax 99% similar to that of queries, because Dominic Gianpaolo who wrote BFS is at Apple now).
Always loved the speed of BeOS finding matches there are problems IMO if you want to restrict your results to one or more dirs this isn’t possible, also finding all images is slow as well. Things to work on!
Still next to Amiga OS and maybe mac os x BeOS really shows how to do things smart, that’s what I’ve always liked about it and always will like.
Really a shame everybody else is useing Moron-OS-no. 1 aka Windows
Well, I havn’t had chance to test it yet but checked-out the latest revision today. NTFS read is added, write disabled for now…
Oh Yes! Tra-la-la :o)