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What Draw Can Do for RISC OS

“In my opinion, the Draw module is one of the most significant and useful components of RISC OS. For the uninitiated, it provides a set of routines for calculating, transforming and rendering lines, polygons, bezier curves, sprites, and text. The Draw application has been bundled with every version of RISC OS and the draw file format is a defacto standard for almost every RISC OS application that incorporates graphics, and then some. In this article I hope to demonstrate some of the flexibility that Draw and the RISC OS desktop can provide.”


  1. 2007-01-05 7:53 am
    • 2007-01-05 12:01 pm
      • 2007-01-06 2:45 am
    • 2007-01-06 9:45 am
  2. 2007-01-05 1:44 pm