The Best J2ME Applications for your Phone

Our mobile-oriented sister site, Mobits, put together the third free service for you (first, second), a mobile web page that let’s you access the 23 best J2ME phone applications created so far. Visit the mobile-optimized page with any browser at There is space for two more J2ME apps in the page, so leave a comment if we forgot a deserving application out of the list (no games please). We hope that this page will prove helpful to users who just got a new cellphone or reseted their existing one and are in need of re-installing their Java apps as quickly as possible.


  1. 2006-12-09 11:58 am
    • 2006-12-09 11:08 pm
  2. 2006-12-09 2:21 pm
    • 2006-12-09 3:26 pm
  3. 2006-12-09 2:34 pm
  4. 2006-12-09 5:26 pm
    • 2006-12-09 8:24 pm
  5. 2006-12-09 9:07 pm
    • 2006-12-09 9:12 pm
  6. 2006-12-09 10:05 pm
  7. 2006-12-10 9:05 pm
  8. 2006-12-11 12:56 am