Michael Wallent on the Windows Vista User Experience

Michael Wallent, General Manager for Windows Client, was interviewed by the Windows Vista Blog about the user experience in Vista. “We sat down with Michael to learn more about what’s changed for the better from a quality perspective. In the video below, Michael speaks in particular to changes made in building in hardware driver support and adds that updates will continue to be made available via download via Windows Update. This advance in driver distribution avoids the ‘step-function’ improvement that users had experienced in the past; now, via network-available updates, the experience of using Windows Vista continually improves over time.”


  1. 2006-11-13 12:12 am
  2. 2006-11-13 10:24 am
  3. 2006-11-13 11:53 am
    • 2006-11-13 3:13 pm
  4. 2006-11-14 1:50 am