Review: Mandriva 2007

LinxForums reviews Mandriva 2007, and concludes: “If Mandriva could have improved their packages, their artwork and fix a few little things here and there they could have made this release the best on the market. They got really close though, and although I can find things to criticize I am still very impressed by some of the innovations and the overall quality.”


  1. 2006-10-16 8:09 pm
    • 2006-10-16 8:18 pm
  2. 2006-10-16 8:16 pm
  3. 2006-10-16 9:03 pm
    • 2006-10-16 4:10 pm
      • 2006-10-16 11:45 pm
      • 2006-10-17 9:37 am
        • 2006-10-17 6:51 am
          • 2006-10-17 10:32 pm
          • 2006-10-18 2:17 pm
          • 2006-10-18 2:29 pm
  4. 2006-10-17 6:22 am
  5. 2006-10-17 12:26 pm