Apple has released Mac OS 10.4.8. Improvements were made in printing, the Finder, iTunes, Preview, networking, and much more. There’s a delta update to be used to update Mac OS 10.4.7 to 10.4.8, and a combo update to update earlier versions of 10.4 to 10.4.8.
… so far so good: Dual Ghz MDD G4, 400Mhz G4, iMac G5 20inch, iMac g5 17inch and a mini G4
well done! Good job steve.
I’ve not found any update for more recent mobile phones support ๐
it is too bad that we need to use 3rd party plugins (if its available at all)…
Edited 2006-09-29 21:54
I suppose you are talking about iSync. Other way you can always connect any bluetooth enabled device to your Mac for sending and receiving any kind of files.
“it is too bad that we need to use 3rd party plugins”
I don’t
Everything works here
Installed the update a few minutes ago. So far everything seems to be working fine. I haven’t noticed anything different yet.
Dual 2GH G5 system
Hey, they kept the number of “arbitrary code execution” security fixes to under 40 for a change.
Good job!
I use an external firewire drive in my Mini, which I run my main system off of.
Installed the update, my Intel Mini will no longer boot :-S. Walked back into the room and it was rebooting over and over and over again (probably 7 or 8 times) Luckily, I have OS X installed on the internal as well, so I can just run off the internal and access my files and programs on the external until I have some time to fix it.
EDIT: I’m going to leave my internal hdd copy of OS X running 10.4.7 for the time being until I hear if this is a problem with the Intel Minis, or if it is just my firewire drive, or some other weird fluke.
Edited 2006-09-29 22:36
works great on my Macbook pro, just installed it a few minutes ago and while i did encounter some rather unusual behavior on first boot (sat on the grey apple logo screen for like 3 or 4 minutes but then rebooted automatically and worked fine) i has worked fine aside from that.
Yeah, mine was rebooting every 5 seconds and way more than once. I have a lot of work to get done this weekend, so I’m just using my Powermac G4 for the time being. The Mini’ll get a nice vacation ’till I have time to take a good look at it. I just hooked my external HDD up to my G4 and I’m ready to go.
I had a similar problem with 10.4.7 that I solved by doing a safe boot on after it hung up. As soon as it came up on the safe boot I went to the System Preference Panel and selected the offending drive and told it to reboot. I had an internal and an external drive both with 10.4.6 that I updated with 10.4.7 this way and both booted up just fine after the safe boot.
Yeah, the double reboot on the Macbook Pro had me a little worried but after the second boot everything is working fine. Gruber actually made mention of the second boot over at daring fireball.
The release notes (which you read, right? ) say that intel macs reboot twice when it installs.
My Mac Mini (G4 1.42ghz) which I’m typing this with, upgraded fine. I don’t notice any differences yet. Which is probably a good thing.
My B&W G3 400 Mhz doesn’t show the update in Software Update.
I’m going to do a little research before attempting to apply the Combo Updater to it.
Original B/W 350 Mhz G3 1Gb RAM with 2 x ATA100 7200 rpm and original Ati Rage 16Mb Graphics – updated perfectly from 10.4.7 to 10.4.8 here. No hick-ups so far. Runs smoothly 24/7/365 as a all-around surf-station & small office server – on it’s 7th anniversary now (7/9/13;)
Check out the new zoom feature in 10.4.8 -> in the Keyboard & Mouse Settings
– Zoom works also fine on this 7 years old box – even smoothly
Edited 2006-09-30 03:34
Actually this is the same feature that you could get in the Universal Access preferences. But the new shortcut using the trackpad is nice.
Well.. I ran the combo updater on my B&W G3. It says it’s not a supported system.
Looks like 10.4.7 is the end of the line for G3 Folks.
OK, my bad…
I have several B&W G3 computers, and this one hasn’t been upgraded to Tiger yet.
So, I goofed.
I’ll upgrade it today and try the 10.4.8 update…
OK, B&W G3 is now working fine…
Upgrading my Pismo Powerbook now.
“About the Mac OS X 10.4.8 Update (delta)”:
That’s a long list of changes & improvements, sadly I see no mention of the rumored “multithreaded OpenGL” I was hoping for.
A multithreaded OpenGL stack is too big of a change to appear in a bugfix release. Don’t expect to see it until Tiger.
A multithreaded OpenGL stack is too big of a change to appear in a bugfix release. Don’t expect to see it until Tiger.
1. You meant Leopard, right? ๐
2. In any case, the 10.4.7 version of Tiger in the Mac Pro has multithreaded OpenGL enabled, so it wasn’t all that far fetched to expect a general release in 10.4.8.
Installed via software update on my 1.66ghz core duo mini and 1.42ghz emac. It automagically rebooted an extra time like others have mentioned but no problems. The internal HD on the mini is blank and the boot drive is an external FW drive.
My son uses a G3 500mhz iMac, I didn’t really feel the need to even bother as his Disney games are still running . . .
Is it just me? Works perfectly.
“It certainly feels snappier”. On what kind of machine. I just bought an additional 1GB memory to my iBook G4 1.33GHz and I’m hard pressed to tell a difference. Maybe it fares a bit better under heavy load, but it’s very hard to tell. And battery life is shorter, as it has to keep more memory refreshed.
I updated a G4 mac mini: about 20 mb
I updated my MacBook pro: about 200 mb.
I also have an original G3 with 640M ram, 2 scsi disks, 120G ide hard drive, and a 4 port ethernet card. The update worked flawlessly. Everything still works like usb, firewire, and even my 5-button Microsoft trackball mouse. These older macs really are worth every penny. It will be a shame when Apple drops support for them.
I installed this update on my dial G5 tower, and it promptly ate my cat. This never happens on Windows.
I installed this on my Macbook, and now my screen has a blueish cast to it. Anybody know what’s up with that?
check your colorsync/profiles settings. are you using the correcyicc profile for your display?
Yep. “Color LCD”, same as always.
I installed this on my Macbook, and now my screen has a blueish cast to it. Anybody know what’s up with that?
I have seen this on my MacBook in 10.4.7, it happens occasionally when I use fast user switching. I think it’s related to some bug in Virtue Desktops, because if I disable it I never get that blueish cast when switching users.
That has happened to my wife… but I thought it was just the brightness adjustment. She would hit the brightness up button and it was fine.
After updating I had a few problems with airport, I suddenly couldn’t connect too my wireless network.
With the help from, I got it solved after a 20 min. or so. I had to remove all known wireless networks from airport and from keychain