Suntan Special 0.52 Released

Suntan Special 0.52 has been released. “Suntan Special creates a well configured workstation or server by installing a sequence of fixes, patches, drivers and applications to your OS/2 or eComStation computer. Each fix, driver or application is installed by running the setup program. If possible, the setup program is run in unattended mode, otherwise instructions are provided as needed. Suntan Special can reboot the system as needed and continue running when the reboot is complete. When you are satisfied with the sequence you have made to create the workstation or server you need, you can run it each time you need another server or workstation.”


  1. 2006-09-27 2:25 pm
    • 2006-09-27 2:58 pm
    • 2006-09-27 4:07 pm
  2. 2006-09-27 7:11 pm