USB Mass Storage, USB2 on R5

While some BeOS users have enjoyed USB Mass Storage support on compatible (read: Dano USB stack-equipped) systems since the release of the USB Storage Module back in 2004, it today became possible to use this driver with an entirely legal USB stack on BeOS R5. In addition, USB 2.0 now works on R5, whereas Be’s stacks have only ever supported USB 1.1. Michael Lotz’s commit allows the driver to operate on R5, and on the SVN mailing list, he has stated that in testing, he has written to and read data from his Playstation Portable at USB2 speeds using this combination.


  1. 2006-09-21 9:59 pm
    • 2006-09-21 10:34 pm
  2. 2006-09-22 2:37 pm
  3. 2006-09-22 3:49 pm