After you have Apple Remote Desktop installed, you can use it to interact with users by text chat or one-way messages and alerts. Find out how to respond to user problems, observe one or more remote computers, and take control of Mac workstations remotely to improve security, enhance classrooms, and improve teacher/student interaction or help desk operations. It’s all part of Ryan Faas’ series on learning how to use and get the most out of the robust features of Apple Remote Desktop.
Apple Remote Desktop really makes me long for working at an all Mac company. NetOp and MS Remote Desktop are really nowhere near it in functionality.
I hope he gets to the point of explaining how to gather hardware stats with ARD. It never worked for me no matter what I tried. Just timed out…
it simply has only mac clients, the integrated VNC server simply does not cut it if you are on a wan network.
vpn works fine for me, esp when you config it for reverse vpn (run an iccle scrpit on the machine) this dials back to my iBook allowing me play with the system without allowing extra ports on the firewall
vnc works fine for me, esp when you config it for reverse vnc (run an iccle scrpit on the machine) this dials back to my iBook allowing me play with the system without allowing extra ports on the firewall
sorry wrote vpn instead of vnc in the prig comment and dont seem to able to edit directly
It is more that is an absolutely absymal solution compared to NoMachine NX, FreeNX and even RDP both speed and bandwidth usagewise.
It is a shame that osx is the only Unix there is without any decent remote solution.