AmiKit 1.2.0 has been released. AmiKit is a freeware compilation of more than 300 of the finest Amiga programs (free/shareware). To be brief, AmiKit is the way to experience a high-end Classic AmigaOS on your Windows system. You need ROMs of the AmigaOS, which can easily be obtained by buying Amiga Forever. My take: I have used AmiKit myself, and I can attest it is the one of the finest, if not the finest, among its kind. Definitely recommended if you have AmigaOS ROMs.
Very cool! Only wish there was a download for more than just MS Windows. I’ll reboot into Windows to try it.
AmigaForever is based on UAE, and that runs on Linux as well, among other things:
If you use Debian, you can even apt-get UAE.
Afterwards, you just need to copy over the Amigasystem and ROM files from the AmigaForever CD
UAE is ancient by now. E-UAE and WinUAE are what should be used today.
ROMs can be found on any torrent site but may be illegal to download in your country.
wow, I didn’t know about e-uae, this thing works great. handily for me, they even provide a linux-ppc binary that’s ready to run and use. very nice, thanks.
Actually they just barely (within the last two days) upgraded UAE in debian Sid from 0.8.22 to 0.8.25. Unfortunately that is the last version of UAE to be released. E-UAE is now at version 0.8.29-WIP3, which also just recently was released.
To make a debian package, what I did was download the source code for 0.8.29-WIP3, then also grab the CVS. The CVS was broken, so I simply copied the debian folder out of it, put it into the source directory for 0.8.29-WIP3 and then ran ‘fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage’ and it worked.
The only problem I’ve ran into so far is trying to get Picasso96 graphic modes to work. Also the GUI for e-Uae is not complete yet. Hopefully one day we’ll get up to the same functionality as WinUAE.
regarding the Amiga kickroms which are need to run UAE and this etc. but are still not distributable due to the copyright holders… surely someone has by now programmed an open kickrom that can be used as an alternative? If not, is there a project on working to achieve this?
I know there has been talk of using AROS code for this.