Mac OS X makes it easy to migrate from one computer to another; for instance when you buy a new Mac. But if you want to change the username on the new computer, the process is not quite so obvious. This quick tip shows what’s involved.
Mac OS X makes it easy to migrate from one computer to another; for instance when you buy a new Mac. But if you want to change the username on the new computer, the process is not quite so obvious. This quick tip shows what’s involved.
When NFS Manager removed from OS X and NetInfo Manager was put in permanent languish people who aren’t familiar with NeXTSTEP/Openstep will find this piece of software unfamiliar. Apple should revamp NeXTAnswers to OSXAnswers and any relevant docs that carry over should be made available. I used to update NeXTAnswers often at NeXT and it drives me nuts to see there has to be articles written by journals on how to do such a simple procedure that was standards for anyone using NeXTSTEP. This is one of the many frustrations many at NeXT had after the merger. Those of us in AES were quite annoyed by the many “short-sighted” decisions.
This takes less than 1 minute to change yet it seems like an eternity to figure out if you don’t know NetInfo.