A PC World article reports (thinly) on the Sergey Brin speech at LinuxWorld. Google certainly stands as one of the most high profile and impressive implementations of Linux on a massive scale. The Google co-founder attributes some of Google’s success at building a cost-effective platform to the Linux OS.
I am there right now, expect a report article later tonight…
Got to go, lots of people await in the queue to use these computers to email.
Google indeed has a pretty impressive booth.
Hi there! Glad you got to go to Linuxworld
(I thought google used BSD, or was that yahoo…)
Google uses linux. Yahoo uses Freebsd, and has even
funded some of its development.
Would that explain the slooooooowwwwww Yahoo?
I also heardthat MS is going to buy Yahoo…sad news..
Would that explain the slooooooowwwwww Yahoo?
You know, I don’t mind the trolling as much as your name being so similar to mine.
I’ve never noticed yahoo being slow. What speed connection are ya on? Plus, Yahoo’s servers have to handle a lot more than just searches.
I’ve never noticed yahoo being slow. What speed connection are ya on? Plus, Yahoo’s servers have to handle a lot more than just searches.
He’s a Linux zealot trolling FreeBSD zealots for a response. The best way to take away a troll’s power is by just ignoring them.
just curious, which is it?
The OS is Linux, GWS/2.0 Server, Distro _______
Why is this person a “linux zealot”? Bear in mind that no indication as to their OS of choice was given (please don’t say that it must be linux cos all linux users are zealots).
If you want to be accurate say “anti-BSD zealot”. Or better still, don’t use the word zealot at all, the person is just a troll, No more.
according to internetwk, if I haven’t misunderstood.
‘Google Bets The Farm On Linux’
I just noticed
Red Hat Linux Powers Google’s Award-Winning Search Engine
2 years old also, guess there havent been ‘many’ changes
Google is as useful as the internet itself.
Why is this person a “linux zealot”?
I’m making assumptions based on past experience. (That is to say, I’ve never heard anyone call FreeBSD slow who wasn’t a Linux zealot who has never used FreeBSD in his life) The only person who can really prove me wrong is the troll himself. (Ooh, made another assumption)
If you want to be accurate say “anti-BSD zealot”. Or better still, don’t use the word zealot at all, the person is just a troll, No more.
Hooray for arguing semantics!
>Hooray for arguing semantics!
No just zealotry
I remember searching for stuff on altavista before Google came out. *shudder*
Ad-infested crapola. They might as well have had a sign that said “optimised to waste your time”. The search results were just horrible.