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A Sneak Peak at Jaguar 10.2

Although it’s been quite some time since MacOS X first hit the shelves, and although many hordes of users have made their homes on the system, MacOS 10.2 is the first version of X that I would really recommend for someone to use. MacOS versions 10.0 and 10.1 had vast amounts of potential, yet they remained nothing to write home to mom about. Finally Apple has capitalized on their potential, and created a system that is refined, streamlined, and ready to take out of the oven.Read the preview over at ArtificialCheese. In the meantime, SpyMac listed a number of incompatibilities between Jaguar 10.2 and previous versions of OSX (which are pretty natural to occure when you bump up a whole new version of an OS, especially when using a very different version of the compiler). I could add one more to the list.


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