Xandros has announced the immediate availability of Xandros Desktop 4. You can get the two different version from their online store. A set of screenshots is also available. “Xandros Desktop Home Edition and Xandros Desktop Home Edition – Premium provide a complete media experience on the secure, stable Xandros Linux operating system. The new products cover the digital home lifestyle spectrum with music management, wireless networking, photo management, Internet calling, DVD burning, iPod support, and more.” Update: More screenshots.
I wish Xandros well and think they’re a great alternative for Windows refugees. But I still believe, and I can’t quantify this, that Xandros is a boring distribution. It feels like a Windows-wannabe. I don’t mean that as harshly as it sounds; it generally works very well. But I was a Xandros user for 2 years, and I finally just asked myself “why am I going through this?” It is a little more secure, but I just decided I’d rather deal with Windows directly (although there are times when I regret that, too).
Xandros real future may be as a business desktop, but many companies rely heavily on COM and DCOM. When I inquired whether or not Xandros would be compatibile with those, the answer they gave me left me with the distinct impression that they either didn’t actually read my question or they didn’t know the answer. I vote for the latter, and until they do understand the question and have an answer for it, their target market may be limited to small businesses that don’t run any serious business applications.
You kind of named it right (“boring” Linux distro)
Although there’s much more fun with Fedora Core 5 and Ubuntu 6.06 I like my Xandros Business Edition ( ver. 2) because it just works as expected so I can rely on it. And not like my Windows 2000 which every now and then wants to reinstall my printer or PenDrive drivers.
And I do lot of serious job with my Xandros : presentations , design lyouts, shedule and calendaring , projects management wordprocessing and email , data and documents exhange with other Windows guys & girls on our Windows 2000 Small Business Server with Active directory and domain servers eanbled so I’m not really expecting from my OS to be more entertaining or eye candy.
It is well worth its price tag. And I can just imagine how well the thing works in pure Xandros server-client environment ( Xandros server- Xandros workstations )
I’m not a linux user, but it seems every distro is more of the same. KDE or GNOME, add a skin, package your standard linux apps and you’re done. Where is the innovation? If I wanted different wallpapers and themes I’d download them.
Personally I want to here more about symphonyOS and the Mezzo Desktop where actual linux innovation is happening.
Xandros real future may be as a business desktop, but many companies rely heavily on COM and DCOM.
I’m sure that you know COM and DCOM are Windows technologies. This is where it gets very, very difficult for distributors like Xandros who try and fit into Windows networks and environments. No matter how well the distribution fits in people will then say “Well what about this and this?”, and for technology reason there’ll be no way for them to implement it.
What distributors need to do is support Windows up to a point, mostly through Samba, and then create and use all the adequate technology they need to create their own market and userbase. Desktop Linux can’t just be a replacement for Windows.
What they call “Music Manager” is actually Amarok. The look and feel is quite ugly. For me, Xandros looks like Lindows, errr… Linspire. Not as sexy as Ubuntu, and paid. Not sure why I should give it a try.
Looks like Linspire! You must be blind!
Not as sexy as Ubuntu,
I take it you like anal?
scnr *whistles*
Man it looks NOTHING like Linspire!
The CD ripping was in Konqueror before, although Xandros’ front end does make it much easier to find.
The “Music Manager” is really just amaroK.
The Security suite is an excellent idea. Firewalls like GuardDog are far too sophistocated for average Joes, and bringing everything together in one place is excellent since most new users don’t even know how to install a firewall or AV scanner. Even though Linux isn’t in any significant risk from viruses as long as you don’t run as root, I would still recommend having a virus scanner around to make sure you don’t have some inactive Windows virus on your filesystem from a download or on your removable media which was exposed to an infected Windows machine. The AV software will also act as a placebo for immigrating Windows users who don’t know how to feel safe without it. The only things I need to point out about this is:
1. that the icon for the Security Suite looks identical to the one for the Security Centre in Windows. Icons are covered under copyright law, and it could be trademarked.
2. Lack of AV software on Linux is hardly a big security threat like that screenshot says.
3. Lack of a firewall is a threat for sure, but many people who don’t feel they can handle a firewall simply get a router with one. I hope the Security Suite will let people tell it that they have a firewall on their router so they don’t get a serious threat warning for not having a firewall on their computer.
Cudos to Xandros on the Multimedia support!! Finally someone gets it! Many users don’t want to have to install multimedia support themselves, it can be a lot of hassle. Xandros has finally sold people an easy solution for multimedia support on Linux, and if they have to charge more to cover licensing fees I’m sure I wouldn’t be the only one who’d happily pay extra. The only thing is that I hope the extended multimedia support includes KDE itself, and not the main multimedia applications, because without proper multimedia support throughout KDE the Konqueror previews wouldn’t work properly, and the CD ripper integrated into Konqueror might not be able to rip MP3s either (hint: the Xandros File Manager and Konqueror aren’t the same app)
I love this, even if I don’t use Xandros any more these guys are putting together a good distribution for folks migrating over from Windows. They’ve done a lot right and even include the NVidia drivers out of the box. I stopped using it because of the Xandros Networks Shop sporting several applications that were free in other distributions, and because the games were ancient compared to any other distribution, but perhaps that’s changed.
God I hate that windows-look
Hating it or not, it gets the job done for sheer switching sake.
the previous releases of Xandros has a windows 2000 look and feel, this version seems to have a bit of XP Polish rubbed off on it.
not horrible, I’ll have to get my hands on a copy to check this out.
Why in the hell did they switch from Plastik to Keramik??
Talk about a step backwards!
Only KWin is using Keramic, the rest is Plastik.
I completely agree!
The icon scheme is also a horrible mix of “new” Xandros icons, old Xandros icons (that look like they’re from the Corel era, and crystal icons. Talk about inconsistent.
You think a company could get a hotter girl.
well this one is somewhat better looking
You think a company could get a hotter girl.
This comment is not only off topic, it’s sexist and has no place at this forum.
I didnt think that comment was sexist. Thats his opinion. How about putting a pretty face on the installation routine? Isnt that objectification of women and sexist? Or all the products and advertisements that use women with big u know what, thats sexist, not saying I like the looks or I dont.
I hope they come out with an open circulation edition soon. I have used Xandros 3 OCE before and its a relatively easy operating system (with or without a windows background). Much lesser usual linux hassles. Infact thats why I stopped using it.
Sexism is when a man or a woman is discriminated (having fewer or more rights – negative as well as positive discrimination – both are wrong) due to his/her sex.
That’s all sexism is.
Your claim that his post is discriminating merely shows us how political correctness and other such ghastly notions creep into society.
(straightening my glasses) Seeing that sex sells and Xandros is not for free , I sense where you are coming from.
Not that I have a problem with the girl, I figure you just want something that would have more mass appeal.
I thought it was funny. I did not mean it as sexist. I don’t really see how it’s sexist. I am not demeaning women, just that one particular woman was not up to the usual standards posted on dell.com and the such. More of a macho, male chuvanistic point of view. I will quit posting my thoughts and keep such things to myself. Sorry to any offended.
Edited 2006-06-23 02:40
You say: I don’t really see how it’s sexist.
and then you say : just that one particular woman was not up to the usual standards posted on dell.com and the such. More of a macho, male chuvanistic point of view.
And I say: Contradict oneself much?
Appology accepted, but remember:
Chauvanism is a form of sexism.
Edited 2006-06-23 03:28
Chauvanism is a form of sexism.
No, it’s not. Chauvanism is just chauvanism, and while it’s not a ‘nice’ thing, it doesn’t count as discrimination, which is what sexism really is.
Don’t abuse the sense of words.
Sexism is if she had no right to vote because she was a woman, or had no right free speech because she was a woman, or if her statement in court only carried half the weight of that of a man, or if she only inherited half as much as her brother, because of her sex.
That’s sexism.
Chauvanism is however not sexism.
oy. you must be a real pain in the ass to be around.
I have tried Xandros since v 1.0 (2.0, 2.5, 3.0) and I have found alot of problems with it:
1. Compiling kernel modules were difficult even by experienced users, judged from xandros forums
2. some applications that work on other distros do not work on xandros, because of missing packages or languages
3. Limited hardware support
4. Yes there are proprietary device drivers, but they are not up to date and you cannot update them by “Xandros Network”. and supported devices are fewer than in other distros (like mandriva 2006 eg)
5. Bootup is extremely slow (slowest distro ever)
6. kernel is updated infrequently by Service Packs, thus you are stuck with its disadvantages and bugs for a very long time.
7. Networking with windows XP systems showed erratic behavior (on/off work style)
8. Installable “Xandros Network” online applications are too little.
9. Help files, forums and learning books around Xandros platform is anemic, unlike eg Redhat and SUSE
I don’t know about version 4 if they have solved previous issues or not, but for my current needs fedora/rhel serve me very well now.
Xandros is not a distribution for tinkering with. You give up some of that freedom for stability and having a platform that just works. I use Xandros for the stability, ease of administration, and it’s excellent interoperability with Windows.
In response to your criticism, here’s my experience:
1. Compiling kernel modules were difficult even by experienced users, judged from xandros forums
I never had to compile a kernel module except for vmware and the citrix vpn client. The vpn client was difficult until I found instructions for it on the Xandros forums. The vmware install was just as easy as any other distro.
2. some applications that work on other distros do not work on xandros, because of missing packages or languages
All you need is to find the right repositories (just like any other distro). It may be harder for Xandros because they expect you to use Xandros Networks. If you need to have the latest build of your app or if you use a lot of apps that aren’t supported by Xandros, maybe Xandros isn’t for you.
3. Limited hardware support
All I can say is that it works on all of my hardware. Even setting up my wireless was easier on Xandros than on Windows.
4. Yes there are proprietary device drivers, but they are not up to date and you cannot update them by “Xandros Network”. and supported devices are fewer than in other distros (like mandriva 2006 eg)
Once again, it works on all of my hardware so I really don’t know what’s missing.
5. Bootup is extremely slow (slowest distro ever)
Yes, boot-up is a bit slow. It doesn’t bother me because I don’t boot up very often.
6. kernel is updated infrequently by Service Packs, thus you are stuck with its disadvantages and bugs for a very long time.
You also avoid the new bugs introduced various kernel updates. Xandros has a reputation for finding a good stable kernel version and sticking with it for as long as possible. This makes it stable and predictable. If you want/need your kernel to be the latest and greatest, maybe Xandros isn’t for you.
7. Networking with windows XP systems showed erratic behavior (on/off work style)
I’ve never had any problems working with Windows networks.
8. Installable “Xandros Network” online applications are too little.
If you mean too few than that depends on what you mean by that. It may not have the number of apps that debian or ubuntu has, but it has what I need so I’m happy.
9. Help files, forums and learning books around Xandros platform is anemic, unlike eg Redhat and SUSE
Xandros has a 300 page published manual and the most helpful forum I’ve ever been on. Maybe the quantity of forums and help files is less than other distros but the quality is excellent.
Xandros is not for everyone. If you want to install your OS and forget about it (you know, an OS that just works and doesn’t get in the way), Xandros is an excellent choice. If you want to tinker with your OS and are constantly experimenting with new apps, new drivers, new kernel versions, etc. then Xandros is probably not for you. That’s what is so great about Linux, we have a choice.
You’d think you wouldn’t have to read such retarded comments on osnews.
“…just that one particular woman was not up to the usual standards posted on dell.com and the such.”
It’s nice to see that chauvinistic machismo (aka sexual insecurity) is alive and well in this new millennium.
It beats me why companies are using smiling women or women or people at all in selling products. Shouldn’t they sell the product for it’s capabilities rather than for whatever face is representing it?
Or am I just to much of a geek to understand this?
I refuse to buy products with ugly people on them
Also, I don’t see how this is off topic if I was talking about the women on the installer of Xandros Desktop 4.
I still prefer specifications over smiling women…
Hmm… No, that came out wrong.
When buying or otherwise acquiring products, I prefer to choose products based on their specifications rather than whether they used smiling women or not.
I do however not prefer specifications over smiling women… I’m not _that_ dumb
Come on, People. XandrOS is not for you. It’s for the Windows user who wants to migrate to Linux without feeling like they have gone off the deep end, technically speaking.
I would have no problem putting this on a friend’s computer–and she’s not very computer literate (email, word processing, etc.). On the other hand, I prefer a distro that I can really use–command line, apt, etc.
So quit ripping XandrOS and appreciate the fact that we have CHOICE!!! Imagine the alternative, you could be a Windows user.
Seems to be a nice distro according to the updated screenshots.Nice integrated easy accessible security suite.Although it lacks perhaps an IDS like snort with automatically updated signatures with oinkmaster and the like.Other than that consistent.
I think she’s quite pretty. And it is a very professional looking picture, like someone in business migrating from Windows to Linux.
Now, it would have been over-the-top gratuitus if the girl was in some Hooters-like outfit or a bikini, with tongue on lip in a provocative manner.
Come to think of it, that might be the way to go – for marketing Linux onto the desktop. Have all Linux marketing, websites, advocacy materials, etc, include pictures of hot chicks in bikinis, or in a wet “Tux” T-shirt, using Linux. That might be the ultimate secret to Linux desktop success!
But putting a pretty girl in an ad or marketing materials for a product that is mostly targeted at a male dominated field, should be considered smart marketing, not sexist. And it’s prevailant in the marketing of all types of products. The underlying message is often “buy this product and this hot chick will want to have sex with you”. Or simply they are just trying to get your attention. It’s usually quite effective.
And, btw, it happens both ways – although not as often or blatent on the other side of the coin. Products that appeal mostly to women are often marketed with pictures of some Fabio like male model.
That’s not sexism, it’s real life marketing.
Sex sells, baby!
Oh, and back on topic – Xandros appears to do what it’s intended for – a seemless migration for Windows users to Linux that “just works” (aren’t we all tired of hearing that phrase?
they should get Monica Bellucci
mmm Monica mmm Xandros Desktop 4
What are all these links? Favorite choke-the-one-eyed-chicken pics for Linux nerds??
well almost…
It needs more blend
well you get the picture. ha ha LOL
I am having a very funny day. Everything seems funny.
P.S. I don’t use drugs.
“P.S. I don’t use drugs.”
Could’ve fooled me!
I’ll forgive them and they can use whoever they want, no matter how they look.
use Sarah Carter
Veronica Mars
What happened to the freebie version?
Ever notice how similar xandros and linspire look? And a new linspire release always comes out a few months after a xandros release. Could linspire still be buying the basic system from xandros, tweaking and customizing it some and calling it linspire? betcha a buck