Cloanto has released its 2006 version of Amiga Forever, an all-in-one package for emulating the AmigaOS (1.x as well as 3.x) on any standard PC; OSNews reviewed the previous version. This release includes about 200MB of new Amiga games, as well as enhanced support for AmigaOS add-ons such as AmiKit, AmigaSYS, and AROS for Amiga.
…can we get some development on MacUAE?
I bought AF (a couple of versions back) – its nice to legally own the ROMs, so I can now play all the games that I used to play as a Kid (man does that bring me back…) but still MacUAE stinks
still need windows to do Amiga stuff 
Also…can we get some sort of OS4 beta of some sort with future AFs?
>Also…can we get some sort of OS4 beta of some
>sort with future AFs?
Very unlikely. Cloato doesn’t own any rights to OS4 and are incredibly unlikely to recieve them.
Also, this would require a completly different emulator, since AmigaOne platform is a complete redesign and not 68xxx based.
…can we get some development on MacUAE?
How about they fix the one on Windows. UAE is very good at emulating Amiga PCs but not very good in the usability dept.
I own Amiga Forever 2005.
See for downloads. As I look at the page, though, there’s no configuration GUI with it so you may have to look into another utility called Hi-Toro for setup-menus. Also, this is only for PowerPC Macintoshes. has a guide for configuring EUAE on the Macintosh. Look at… for the details.
-edit- The Think Commodore page linked above has a link to an unofficial compile of EUAE for Intel Macs.
Edited 2006-06-20 01:51
In some respects, my operating system, LoseThos resembles a Commodore–colored text and command line which allows you to work at a position besides the bottom. Frankly, I thought Commodore was gone–I hope I didn’t infringe on anything.
So how can I play Marble Madness again? If I could just find the disk I could boot my real Amiga?!
I like this package, especially the videos included on the DVDs.
I have original Amiga, so I don’t use UAE often, but I found this package really comprehensive when it comes to emulation.
is how they could,back in the day,make something that functional and powerful,that would run on such prehistoric hardware,these people were miles ahead of everybody from what i see,shame it fizzled out.Another thing is why can’t this be done today..hell the average camera or cell phone is more powerful than those old boxes
The difference was in amiga chipset, which offloaded many hard-work out from CPU.
The difference was politics. Inside the company, Amiga was being thought of as a game system and the operating system wasn’t being marketed for what it was: A revolutionary multimedia masterpiece.
The game software that did exist for it usually bypassed the OS and hit the hardware directly so when it was no longer fiscally viable to create new chipsets they decided to can the whole project and fold the company.
That action set the AmigaOS back 10 years to the point that it is only now being updated to run on modern hardware.
I first readed ‘Duke Nukem forever’